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|idea_group=Rajnadhagai Ideas
[[Category:Countries with missions]]

Latest revision as of 03:37, 27 April 2024


Primary Culture

+5% Discipline
+1 Yearly Prestige

The Firstborn SonThe Nadimraj is the oldest and first civilization of Rahen, the father of all that there is today. Amongst its children, its heirs, the Ruin Kingdoms, we are clearly the eldest and strongest of the sons. Not only do we hold the old imperial capital, a beacon of prestige and legitimacy, but it is also from our lands, our rivers, hills, and forest that the first Nadimraj was birthed. When the Kings of Nihanpur unified the lands it was our ancestors who stood by their side. Even now, kingdoms such as Sir and Sarnavan have come and gone but we still stand strong and mighty.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

City of Great AncientsSarnihanpur, the City of Great Ancients, has always stood as a gem in Rahen. Greater than the courts of Dhenijansar, than Sarisung, than even Rayavhashpal. Its beautiful streets and simple paths hold more history than most museums in other nations. It is no surprise that such a number of scholars and archeologists come to our grand city to learn and inspect it, sharing their insights with us as the price for access to one of the first royal libraries of the Nadimraj, Royal Library of Sarnihanpur.
-10% Idea Cost

Those Who DefyWe have always defied those that would dare turn their gaze our way, it is in our nature. After all, what king bows to a peasant? We, the only humans to not fall into the grasp of the corrupt Lotus Court. To have fought back against the Command when others wouldn’t. It is no surprise that our soldiers became known as the "The Defiant", especially when they are drilled by Amethyst Dwarf officers with their array of insults. Their refusal to abandon or run away from a tough battle is second only to these slayers.
-10% Morale Damage Received

A Noble Cause, AlwaysSome may see us as an outcast for defying the Raja, but we have always fought for the noblest causes and surely have never been on the wrong side of history. Was it not us who defended Khadisrapur? Who assembled a coalition to fight back against the Command? Even in the second war against The Command in the 1460s, after the fall of the Xia, we fought valiantly an unwinnable war to shield Rahen. Whatever we fight for, others should know it is and always has been for Rahen’s sake first.
-15% Aggressive Expansion Impact

The Beauty of RuinThe rich beauty of the Ruined Kingdoms fill countless books, but more effective at telling its history than any other form is that of our beautiful stained glass. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but ours are worth two thousand then. Our abundance of glass, dyed in Ghatindigol, and encrusted with brilliant gems in Sharaja, have created a symphony of brilliance. Merchants come from across Rahen simply to catch a glimpse of this exotic good, and are more than willing to empty their pockets for a chance to buy and sell it.
+10% Trade Efficiency
+15% Trade Range

Voice of RahenPeople may respect the Lotus Throne, as corrupt as it is, for being Raja. But they listen and respect us because we deserve it. When we speak, the other nations listen. We have made alliances, coalitions, and established friends across Rahen, even some who "claim" loyalty to the Raja. When people speak of us in hushed tones, it is compliments.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

One for All, All for OneThose of the diseased Lotus Court have corrupted, misused, and stained the very idea of castes and what they have represented throughout Raheni history. This system of keeping Harimari in the Upper Castes as some sort of greater purpose spits in the face of its intentions. There is no clearer example of these intentions than in our warrior caste. Strong, united, loyal, prestigious, and dutiful. An honor to be born in so that they may serve our kingdom and uphold the natural chi of Rahen. These soldiers fight not out of conscription but because it is their birthright.
+15% National Manpower Modifier

-10% States Governing Cost


