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Latest revision as of 03:32, 27 April 2024

Vels Fadhecai

Primary Culture

-15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture
-10% Shock Damage Received

The Book of EpadarkanDetailing the grueling despair of the Sarda settlements that fell to the Epednar in the fourth and fifth centuries after Flood, the Book of Epadarkan is a somber reminder of what would happen to our people should we falter in front of barbarians.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

The Unfortunate NameVels Fadhecai, the Forest Beyond the River. A beautiful name, so beautiful it was copied from us three times over: not only by Vels Bacar upstream and Vels Domfan downstream, but even if we omit Vels there's Fadhevych on the other side of the Ynn… With little use arguing ours was the original name, this similarity has caused many letters and deliveries meant for Vels Fadhecai to arrive to one of the three other places, an unfortunate inconvenience which we have learned to deal with by always having a couple diplomats and canoe-couriers on standby.
+1 Diplomats
-15% Envoy Travel Time

Tyerna KrarhThe black soil of the Fadhecan woodlands, known as "Tyerna Krarh", is perhaps the greatest blessing our fief received, allowing our peasants to produce plentiful food over small plots of land. This has allowed our towns to never suffer a famine, and thus their inhabitants could safely focus on crafts and trades, while peasants tilled the soil under the cover of the trees.\n\nVels Fadhecai's forest is the thickest of Sarda, providing a natural defense from the Epednar of the plains, but our crops can nonetheless withstand the darkness thanks to ancient magic. Because of this, we've never had to deforest the land, and our towns more often than not are sprawling on the sides of trees and hanging off of their branches, unless a war causes them to be destroyed, but, in those cases, many a town have been rebuilt more beautiful than before.
-10% Development Cost

Home of the Exiled PoetVels Fadhecai has always been the favourite location to exile dissidents to. Conspirators, disgraced knights, or just the occasional courtier who said the wrong thing at the wrong time. One such example of the latter was the poet Talvyr, who fell out of grace with Emperor Calrodiy I after jokingly calling him "the Battleking of the Ynnics".\n\nBanished to Vels Fadhecai, Talvyr became an open dissident to Calrodiy's regime, writing poems that questioned the utility of war while in his verses he likened soldiers to brutes and knights to thugs. However, when a band of Epednar riders approached the town he was living in and he saw the local guards stand up for his protection, the seed of change was planted in Talvyr, and a year later he wrote his most famous book, "To the Garrisons".\n\nVels Fadhecai has seen many people arrive, from all walks of life and believing in radically different things. They all went through a similar story, a story where different people align together, and each contribute with their uniqueness, their individuality, in the face of a common threat.
-10% Idea Cost

Realm of the Blood Mage1581 marked the end of the regency for Lady Mitrenya, whose mother had died birthing her and whose father was assassinated while at a brothel. From the earliest age she showed great magical propensity, being able to conjure water bubbles and even water bombs she would hit her guardians with. When the War of the Bacaran succession erupted in 1602, Mitrenya was already a consummate war veteran, having led incursions into the Epednar territories over the past two decades, going as far as to reach the recently-founded city of Elathael during one of them.\n\nIt was thus to everyone's surprise when she announced she would maintain her neutrality during the Bacaran conflict.\n\nTwenty years later, when the war was over, a shocking discovery was made: Mitrenya had been torturing the prisoners made during her past incursions, as well as some of her subjects and even relatives of her vassals. Not satisfied with water magic anymore, she would finish torturing them only to kill them then bathe in their blood; drawing power from it, using it to strengthen her magic and stay young forever.\n\nWith most of the Ynn still recovering from war, nobody moved to oppose Mitrenya, except for Vyr Arok yen Clovenvels, a mercenary captain of Escanni origin who ventured into the forests of Vels Fadhecai and defeated her many minions. Together with a small party of his most elite troops he snuck into Mitrenya's castle, where they slew her after a hard-fought battle.
-25% Harsh Treatment Cost

Let's Get Down to Business…It is an undeniable reality that many settlements have seen their rise and prosperity west of our fair woodlands over the recent decades. Their people have more in common with us than barbarians do, and, while it is sad to see them occupy what was our ancient homeland, acknowledging their success will be a necessary step to bring new life and prosperity to our lordship. Deals will have to be made, and an outer facade of friendship will need to be maintained, as we obtain new materials and techniques, and learn any secret deemed useful.
-10% Institution Embracement Cost
+25% Innovativeness Gain

…To Defeat the Epednar"The first thing you need to understand, is that to defeat the barbarian, you must understand the barbarian. Think, smell, and ride like barbarians do. Secondly, always do what I tell you. You, with the weak frame and the slingshot. Come over here. If you survive training, I will make you a honourary half-orc."\n\n-Address of a Chippengarder captain hired to train Fadhecan militias
+50% Army Drill Gain Modifier

-20% Culture Conversion Cost


