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{{National Ideas
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<!-- Obsidian Ideas -->
<!-- Obsidian Ideas -->
|tradition1name=Monthly Autonomy Change
|tradition2name=Yearly Corruption
|tradition2name=Infantry Combat Ability
|idea1name=The First Tenebrous Overseer
|idea1name=Through the Runic Portal
|idea1desc=Once the Obsidian Herald had lead the vanguard and given us a foothold in the Dwarovar, the Obsidian Council united and sent a leader directly from their midst to rule and administer the new helm and represent Obsidian Empire beyond the Primeval Serpentdepths. The Herald would lead new campaigns set by the council, while the new Tenebrous Overseer managed the realm and enacted the will of the Runefather, enforcing loyalty in the new frontier.\n\n"No weakness is tolerated and no mercy is permitted, revenge must be imposed onto those that defied our Runefather. For we must embrace death without regret as we embrace life without fear. For success is commemorated and failure is merely remembered."
|idea1desc="For millennia our people have suffered under the trials of an exile at the hands of the old High Kings of Aul-Dwarov. Now at long last we are prepared to claim that which is rightfully ours. The Obsidian Council has ordered the armies of the Obsidian Legion to cross the Runic Portal and begin the invasion of the Dwarovar. We must remind any usurpers and squatters within the hallowed halls of our ancestors of the words of our venerable Runefather:\n\n"Power alone is the source and summit of existence, only those bold enough to grasp it can lead, and those too craven to try must yield lest they break."
|idea1effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+15|description=Maximum Absolutism }}
|idea1effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+1|description=Leader(s) without Upkeep }}<br />{{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+1|description=Land Leader Shock }}
|idea2name=Die for the Runefather, Rather Than Live for Yourself
|idea2name=The Obsidian Herald
|idea2desc=It is with these words that the unique character of our people was forged. The Runefather ever taught the value of selfless sacrifice and the impermissibility of failure. In the years since he passed his teachings to his followers, it had translated into an undying loyalty to his teachings and to his successors on the Obsidian Council. Absolute loyalty and obedience separates us from the lesser races and their self-serving ways.
|idea2desc=As ever, those who are ruled must bend to those who rule, lest the chaos of the Harrowing Times begins anew. It is this sharp division of responsibilities that has ensured our people's survival and which also gives us an edge over the upstarts and beasts.\n\nThus the Obsidian Council has recognized the need for an adjunct to advance their will and extend their authority over the Obsidian masses flooding into the venerable halls of the Aul-Dwarov. The Obsidian Herald will act as the vanguard commander of the Council and all shall heed their words as an extension of the Council's absolute will.
|idea2effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+15%|description=Morale of Armies }}
|idea2effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=-20%|description=Stability Cost Modifier }}
|idea3name=Claiming our Birthright
|idea3name=Millennial Rancour
|idea3desc=To protect us from the dwarves following their weak High King, our venerable Runefather gathered the entire population of Gor Dûrgheled and prepared the largest runic circle possible, for one final spell. With it, he teleported our forefathers deep into the Primeval Serpentdepths and promised them that their birthright which had been seized from them would one day be reclaimed. From this promise sprung the animating basis of Obsidian Dwarf society.\n\nWith the beginning of the Reclamation we have found Aul-Dwarov to be radically different from what was described in the annals of our ancestors; foul beasts squat in long-abandoned holds and the once great realm lies in ruins. We shall retake what is ours from all who would oppose us and then restore the majesty of this realm in the name of the Runefather.
|idea3desc=The cravens of old Aul-Dwarov ever failed to grasp our venerable Father's intentions. He sought to use the so-called "forbidden" blood runic magic to aid the forces of Aul-Dwarov against the Precursor Elves, but instead found himself and his followers ostracised for posing a threat to the already stagnant and corrupt Empire. With one final teleportation spell in Gor Dûrgheled, the Runefather and his followers found themselves stranded in the Primeval Serpentdepths; what should have been a proverbial death sentence was instead weathered during the Harrowing Times through the Runefather's guidance.\n\nIt was during this time that the Runefather, beset by a spiritual malaise, gave in to the rancour and bitterness of his followers. He nurtured their nascent hatred and forged them anew into a cold, calculating weapon hellbent on righting past wrongs and achieving vengeance against those that dared to banish him; thus the Obsidian Dwarves were reborn by their eternal resentment.
|idea3effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+5%|description=Administrative Efficiency }}
|idea3effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+10%|description=Morale of Armies }}
|idea4name=Cast Out The Mutant
|idea4name=Runic Innovations
|idea4desc=The Orcs and Goblins have been roaming the ruins of the Dwarovar for millennia and leave a stain upon our destined land. They taint the holds of old built by our kind and leave ruin and decay behind them, the Runefather does not care for such beings to be subjugated but rather destroyed and repelled from the caves completely.\n\nWe must be the sole sovereigns of the Dwarovar with no other external entities encroaching on our domain, their devastation of Aul-Dwarov was a matter of luck and will not be repeated in resisting our expansion.
|idea4desc=The craft of runic weaponry was a long standing tradition among the dwarven holds of old, but none managed to reach the standard of our forefathers in Gor Dûrgheled. Ever since we have advanced the many techniques and strengthened the powers that infused our weaponry, using it to establish the Obsidian Empire below and now to reclaim our rightful place as rulers of the Dwarovar above.\n\nFrom blades that would melt the insides of anyone pierced through with tremendous heat, to axes that decayed flesh and corroded metal, the possibilities of the runic magic we developed in the Primeval Serpentdepths ever advanced. Now, the power that broke our enemies in the Serpentdepths shall guarantee our dominance in the Dwarovar.
|idea4effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+2%|description=Missionary Strength }}<br />{{Modifier|type=bonus|value=-5|description=Years of Separatism }}
|idea4effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+5%|description=Discipline }}
|idea5name=Industries of the Deep
|idea5name=Runic Sappers
|idea5desc=The Runefather decreed that the manufactories of the Primeval Serpentdepths would surpass anything present in our old home of Gor Dûrgheled and beyond it. Grand forges channelling great magma rivers led to mass production of all forms of metal, thousands of Runesmiths empowering our structures and arms while great quarries mined all kinds of stone for myriad constructions.\n\nSpanning across multiple levels and heavily managed for the most efficient manufacturing and ensuring no downtime, punishing anyone who would dare to slack in the name of the Runefather. From this our industrial basis sprung the surplus of wealth and materials that we have used to maintain a strong foothold in the holds of the Dwarovar.
|idea5desc=Unlike the upper reaches of the Serpentspine, the Primeval Serpentdepths are composed of hard, unforgiving material. The labour required to mine the stone is prohibitively costly; yet the Obsidian Legions are an ever hungering beast requiring constant arms and supplies. Luckily, we never lack for labour as those who fail to remember their place are an everyday reality.\n\nUnder the supervision of the Runefather the indentured masses are worked to the bone to ensure the deep manufacturing needs are met. Those rare few who show a natural aptitude are given a forlorn hope; service in the legions as a runic sapper. Successful service means freedom; failure is not an option.
|idea5effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+15%|description=Goods Produced Modifier }}
|idea5effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+15%|description=Siege Ability }}
|idea6name=Imposing Perfection
|idea6name=How The Mighty Have Fallen
|idea6desc=As we have seen in the ruins of old, the holds barely could withstand a horde of monsters which barely compare to the strength of the horrors in the Primeval Serpentdepths. The finest of our architects and engineers have arrived in the Dwarovar and found many flaws in design that were corrected in the Obsidian Empire millennia ago.\n\nThrough runic enchantments, higher quality stone and the strongest of thralls we shall remove the imperfections of old and create our own lasting legacy in the Dwarovar to overshadow the dwarves who despised us so much.
|idea6desc=Aul-Dwarov was the mightiest Empire in all of Halann but now we see that they have lost everything to a few monsters while we thrived in much more treacherous conditions. How much decadence and stagnation did they have to experience to fall so far from grace and forsake all that their forefathers have built and nurtured for millennia before them?\n\nNo Obsidian Dwarf will ever make such mistakes, for we need to give our all in the reclamation of our old homeland and leave no gap open and no flank unchecked, for such humiliation will never be accepted by our glorious Runefather.
|idea6effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+20%|description=Fort Defence }}
|idea6effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+1|description=Yearly Prestige }}<br />{{Modifier|type=bonus|value=-1%|description=Prestige Decay }}
|idea7name=The Runefather's Will
|idea7name=The Obsidian Right
|idea7desc=The Runefather built our Obsidian Empire in the Primeval Serpentsdepths from just a small foothold in an unknown world to the sprawling cities in every crevice of the caves. With his power he surpassed death and pioneered our small, scared people out of hiding and into the fold, to restore our right to exist in the Dwarovar and to subjugate it under his fist.\n\nThe runes he has created still empower the many ancient temples built to honour his sacrifice to us, especially in the Obsidian Hall which he resides in, where his authority and control emanates the most.
|idea7desc=In order to survive the Primeval Serpentdepths, the hallowed Runefather instituted the Obsidian Right. Those too weak to protect their freedom found it deprived. Strength alone ensured that our people thrived. This ancient tradition shall be extended and expanded upon to incentivize greater commitment to the reconquest of the Aul-Dwarov.\n\nThe upstart descendents of the betrayers and the foul squatters dwelling within the ruins of the Dwarovar shall serve the Runefather's chosen whether they wish to or not, for we alone possess the razor sharp temperament required of rulers.
|idea7effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=-5%|description=Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Religion }}<br />{{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+2|description=Tolerance of the True Faith }}
|idea7effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=-15%|description=Core-Creation Cost }}
|ambitioneffect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+15%|description=Governing Capacity Modifier }}}}
|ambitioneffect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=-0.03|description=Monthly War Exhaustion }}}}

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<noinclude>[[Category:Country Ideas]]</noinclude>

Revision as of 04:20, 27 April 2024

-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Through the Runic Portal"For millennia our people have suffered under the trials of an exile at the hands of the old High Kings of Aul-Dwarov. Now at long last we are prepared to claim that which is rightfully ours. The Obsidian Council has ordered the armies of the Obsidian Legion to cross the Runic Portal and begin the invasion of the Dwarovar. We must remind any usurpers and squatters within the hallowed halls of our ancestors of the words of our venerable Runefather:\n\n"Power alone is the source and summit of existence, only those bold enough to grasp it can lead, and those too craven to try must yield lest they break."
+1 Leader(s) without Upkeep
+1 Land Leader Shock

The Obsidian HeraldAs ever, those who are ruled must bend to those who rule, lest the chaos of the Harrowing Times begins anew. It is this sharp division of responsibilities that has ensured our people's survival and which also gives us an edge over the upstarts and beasts.\n\nThus the Obsidian Council has recognized the need for an adjunct to advance their will and extend their authority over the Obsidian masses flooding into the venerable halls of the Aul-Dwarov. The Obsidian Herald will act as the vanguard commander of the Council and all shall heed their words as an extension of the Council's absolute will.
-20% Stability Cost Modifier

Millennial RancourThe cravens of old Aul-Dwarov ever failed to grasp our venerable Father's intentions. He sought to use the so-called "forbidden" blood runic magic to aid the forces of Aul-Dwarov against the Precursor Elves, but instead found himself and his followers ostracised for posing a threat to the already stagnant and corrupt Empire. With one final teleportation spell in Gor Dûrgheled, the Runefather and his followers found themselves stranded in the Primeval Serpentdepths; what should have been a proverbial death sentence was instead weathered during the Harrowing Times through the Runefather's guidance.\n\nIt was during this time that the Runefather, beset by a spiritual malaise, gave in to the rancour and bitterness of his followers. He nurtured their nascent hatred and forged them anew into a cold, calculating weapon hellbent on righting past wrongs and achieving vengeance against those that dared to banish him; thus the Obsidian Dwarves were reborn by their eternal resentment.
+10% Morale of Armies

Runic InnovationsThe craft of runic weaponry was a long standing tradition among the dwarven holds of old, but none managed to reach the standard of our forefathers in Gor Dûrgheled. Ever since we have advanced the many techniques and strengthened the powers that infused our weaponry, using it to establish the Obsidian Empire below and now to reclaim our rightful place as rulers of the Dwarovar above.\n\nFrom blades that would melt the insides of anyone pierced through with tremendous heat, to axes that decayed flesh and corroded metal, the possibilities of the runic magic we developed in the Primeval Serpentdepths ever advanced. Now, the power that broke our enemies in the Serpentdepths shall guarantee our dominance in the Dwarovar.
+5% Discipline

Runic SappersUnlike the upper reaches of the Serpentspine, the Primeval Serpentdepths are composed of hard, unforgiving material. The labour required to mine the stone is prohibitively costly; yet the Obsidian Legions are an ever hungering beast requiring constant arms and supplies. Luckily, we never lack for labour as those who fail to remember their place are an everyday reality.\n\nUnder the supervision of the Runefather the indentured masses are worked to the bone to ensure the deep manufacturing needs are met. Those rare few who show a natural aptitude are given a forlorn hope; service in the legions as a runic sapper. Successful service means freedom; failure is not an option.
+15% Siege Ability

How The Mighty Have FallenAul-Dwarov was the mightiest Empire in all of Halann but now we see that they have lost everything to a few monsters while we thrived in much more treacherous conditions. How much decadence and stagnation did they have to experience to fall so far from grace and forsake all that their forefathers have built and nurtured for millennia before them?\n\nNo Obsidian Dwarf will ever make such mistakes, for we need to give our all in the reclamation of our old homeland and leave no gap open and no flank unchecked, for such humiliation will never be accepted by our glorious Runefather.
+1 Yearly Prestige
-1% Prestige Decay

The Obsidian RightIn order to survive the Primeval Serpentdepths, the hallowed Runefather instituted the Obsidian Right. Those too weak to protect their freedom found it deprived. Strength alone ensured that our people thrived. This ancient tradition shall be extended and expanded upon to incentivize greater commitment to the reconquest of the Aul-Dwarov.\n\nThe upstart descendents of the betrayers and the foul squatters dwelling within the ruins of the Dwarovar shall serve the Runefather's chosen whether they wish to or not, for we alone possess the razor sharp temperament required of rulers.
-15% Core-Creation Cost

-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion