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{{National Ideas
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<!-- Ruby Ideas -->
<!-- Ruby Ideas -->
|tradition1name=Possible Advisors
|tradition1name=Garrison Size
|tradition2name=Improve Relations
|tradition2name=Max Promoted Cultures
|idea1name=The Sogahrubi
|idea1name=The Distant Hold
|idea1desc=Dwarves are well known for their tales of ancestors. One tale is particularly significant to the citizens of Rubyhold: The Sogahrubi. Traditionally told over 34 days, to represent the 34 years of the quest, it is the story of an honourable but destitute dwarf's journey to gain the hand of the one he loved. Her father spurned him, saying he would need an entire mountain of gems to get a blessing for them to marry. Rubies, to match her hair and inner fire. Nothing else would be good enough for her. Meant to be an impossible task. He suffered many trials. Experienced joy and loss. Searched forgotten caves, fey touched woods, lonely mountains. Until he finally found it, his Ruby Mountain. With permission at long last, he and his beloved married and established a small colony over the mountain of rubies he had discovered. What would one day grow to become Rubyhold. That quest was nine thousand years ago, when much of Cannor was untamed wilderness. Every Ruby Dwarf knows our claim, why these are our mountains.
|idea1desc=In a time of great prosperity in the ancient Dwarven Empire, there was a wealthy dwarf that sought to venture beyond the Serpentspine and establish a greater legacy for this clan. Lorek Redstone, the head of a clan hailing from the hold of Ânumdihr, organised many expeditions across the surface in Cannor to find riches and treasure that his home had not yet seen.\n\nEmploying mostly poorer and desperate dwarves, he promised them high pay for travelling the dangerous, untamed surface. Though they came across many mountain ranges, it was the Ruby Mountains that held the most potential, for the rubies found there had a deep, red shade never seen before in Aul-Dwarov, making them quite coveted among wealthy dwarves.\n\nIt was in 7989 BA that the construction of Rubyhold began, and Dwarves from all across the Serpentspine came to build and settle the hold with promises of further prosperity for all its denizens. The hold was completed in 7024 BA, garnering the Redstone clan much prestige and renown, which was translated into influence in the Amlharaz, causing a stir in the status quo maintained by the old Holds. Since then, Aul-Dwarov and most Dwarfholds have fallen - but we remain.
|idea1effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+1|description=Yearly Devotion }}<br />{{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+1|description=Yearly Horde Unity }}<br />{{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+1|description=Yearly Legitimacy }}<br />{{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+0.3|description=Yearly Republican Tradition }}
|idea1effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=-15%|description=Stability Cost Modifier }}
|idea2name=Rubyhold Institute of Humanities
|idea2name=Our Rubies
|idea2desc=The humanities are studies of humans and human societies. Rubyhold has institutions devoted to the study of the various races that live in the lands around Rubyhold, but the Rubyhold Institute of Humanities is considered the most important and prestigious. Founded when humans first began settling in the Dameshead region, scholars from the Institute have been carefully studying humans for over a thousand years. Human construction methods, how they conduct wars, fashions, how they order their societies; studies have been conducted on these topics and more. For Rubyhold the Institute has been an important way of keeping tabs on what humans are doing, with the added benefit of sometimes uncovering new ideas the dwarves had not considered.\n\nMost famously, it is here that the Lencori Plan was devised: the idea of creating a human nation out of the local tribes to act as a shield against external threats for Rubyhold. The crumbling of empires during the Dragonwake provided the opportunity, Lorenan demonstrated promise. Dwarven mediation and the forging of a crown provided the last spark...
|idea2desc=Rubies can be found not just in the Ruby Mountains, but also in the Dwarovar. However, the rubies found in the Ruby Mountains are unique, for their distinctive and beautiful dark red colouration sets them apart from any other rubies, and saw them command premium prices in the Dwarovar and become a symbol of wealth and prestige, especially after the ancient crown of the Aul-Dwarov - the Dwarovkron - was adorned with the largest ruby ever found within the Ruby Mountains.\n\nThough this act sent demand for our rubies surging even higher, it would also spark a civil war, as old Dwarfholds felt slighted by a brand new hold being granted such prestige, severely weakening the unity of the dwarves and contributing to the Last Days of the Dwarovar. As a result of this, other Dwarves - to whom our gems are known as “West Rubies” - associate our rubies with endings and blood, with these associations eventually spreading to the Bulwari through trade with nearby surface holds.\n\nIn Cannor, however, they are known as “Rose Rubies”, thanks to our long cooperation with the Lencori people, and here, the most well-known rose ruby is, by far, the centerpiece of the Ruby Crown of Lorent, which is a massive ruby ringed by five smaller rubies, which are arrayed to create a stylized rose.
|idea2effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=-5%|description=Idea Cost }}<br />{{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+10%|description=Spy Network Construction }}
|idea2effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+1|description=Yearly Prestige }}<br />{{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+10%|description=Production Efficiency }}
|idea3name=The Two Gates
|idea3name=The Dwarves of Lencenor
|idea3desc=Rubyhold grew while the old dwarven holds died. With each fallen hold, a new wave of refugees eventually reached the foothills of our mountains. Seeking a safe haven from the threats lurking in the Serpentspine's depths. The old holds' mistakes, missteps, and misfortunes were our tutors when it came to designing our hold's defenses. Talented craftsdwarfs, ex-soldiers, and other professionals - our guides. Combined, they ensured that Rubyhold would be prepared, would not fall to any of the same tricks. Among the lessons learnt: having an outer set of gates, instead of just relying on the main gates of the hold for protection. These were named the Redgate and the Rivergate. Wrought and rewrought five times in our history in response to new lessons. The gates have stood up against the Ashen Skies, the Dragonswake, and foul sorceries. Our young hold has seen more than its fair share of disasters. But none yet have troubled our children in their beds. Long have the twin gates stood guard over our mountain hold, and never have they been cast down.
|idea3desc=After the fall of Aul-Dwarov, Rubyhold kept trading with the Serpentreach and Khugdihr, though this trade grew less profitable with time as more Serpentreach Holds fell or were lost. With less and less wealth coming in from trading with other dwarves, Rubyhold sought new trading partners… and when they found none, saw fit to create them from the Lencori human tribes around the Ruby Mountains. Starting in 2076 BA, Rubyhold began teaching them metalworking, stoneworking, and more ephemeral concepts, significantly speeding up their societal progress.\n\nThis proved a wise decision, as human goods and merchants became increasingly common over the coming centuries, and the blossoming relationship between Rubyhold and the Lencori people could be seen in the Eidoueni Pantheon - the faith of the Lencori - having two Dwarven Gods.\n\nRubyhold, in turn, would adopt several Lencori words into their dialect, most prominently “rousa” for rose, and with time, “Vazvudi” would be seen as an archaic term - especially after The Onslaught saw Deep Devils rise from the Divenhal, severing Rubyhold from other Dwarfholds for almost a century - with “Rousavudi” being considered more modern, and indicative of a new self-understanding for Ruby dwarves as dwarves of Lencenor, rather than the “west” dwarves.
|idea3effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+10%|description=Fort Defence }}<br />{{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+10%|description=Garrison Size }}
|idea3effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+2|description=Tolerance of Heathens }}
|idea4name=West Rubies
|idea4name=The Lencori Plan
|idea4desc=West Rubies (Vaz-Rubii in old dwarven records) are known for their distinctive dark red colouration, typically deeper than rubies mined elsewhere. Primarily found in the Ruby Mountains, the West Ruby mines are Rubyhold's main domestic source of gems. In the days before the old holds collapsed, the only gems that could be profitably exported to the Serpentspine. The distances involved in transporting them, combined with the relative scarcity, meant West Rubies have historically commanded a premium price.\n\nThe most famous West Ruby is disputed, most go to the Great Rose on the Ruby Crown of Lorent, which is ringed by five lesser rubies, collectively assembled to create a stylised rose. As a result, many Cannorians also refer to West Rubies as Rose Rubies.\n\nIn cultures further east that is not the case, West Rubies being associated with sunset, blood, or endings instead. The ancient crown, the Dwarovkron of the Dwarven Empire was said to have the largest West Ruby as its centrepiece, which was a late addition to the crown to mark the official recognition of Rubyhold as a hold equal to those underneath the Serpentspine. Such a controversial decision sparked the last great civil war of Aul-Dwarov, the War of the Bloody Gem, which to many was the final omen leading to the Last Days of the Dwarovar and the fall of dwarven civilization.
|idea4desc=After the Onslaught, the Age of Antiquity would see three great empires largely split Cannor between them, and though Rubyhold maintained its independence, it was unknown whether it would be able to resist a committed war of conquest these empires. Thus, the Dragonwake of 470 AA was no calamity for Rubyhold, but an opportunity.\n\nWith the Cannorian status quo shattered, the Lencori Plan was conceived. This plan saw Rubyhold back the Lencori warlord Lorenan, allowing him to unify the region and found the High Kingdom of Lencenor as a natural ally of Rubyhold. Though this support took many forms, the most visible were the armor and crown forged for him, both of which were fashioned from Rosemetal, a variant of steel with a pink-red hue, traditionally reserved for Rubyhold’s royal family.\n\nEven when Lencenor splintered into smaller Kingdoms, Ruby advisors remained present, their long lives and status as trusted outsiders allowing them to attain high positions at Lencori courts. And when King Lorevarn reunited the region and donned the Ruby Crown in 900 AA? Why, it was with his trusted advisor Snorri Gemhorn - who had also served Lorevarn’s father and grandfather - at his side, while King Magni XIV of Rubyhold personally proclaimed that the Ruby Crown was the genuine article.
|idea4effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+10%|description=Production Efficiency }}
|idea4effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+10%|description=Improve Relations }}<br />{{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+10%|description=Spy Network Construction }}
|idea5name=Ending the Sulk
|idea5name=Struggle against Elvenisation
|idea5desc=Dwarves are known for many things. One of the less pleasing things, is our ability to sulk. To bemoan. To hold a grudge. And this is how we reacted when the elves led by Ioriel so easily pushed us aside and sunk their velvet claws into Lorent. We turned inwards, any and all attempts to reverse the situation failing and only further souring the mood in the upper echelons of our halls. But Ioriel is long gone now. And the Lilac Wars roused some of our kindred to the aid of Lorent. A Damerian victory would have been a disaster, leaving us surrounded and eventually subsumed into the empire. But war has always had the effect of reinvigorating dwarves. The momentum is swinging back the other way now, the dwarves of Rubyhold are once more rousing. We have learned from the past, and will be more tenacious, more united in our purpose going forwards. By the ancestors we swear it.
|idea5desc=Between Lorent’s founding in 900 and the Landing in 1000, Rubyhold slowly increased its influence over Lorent, with Lorevarn’s successors growing more and more dependent on their dwarven advisors. After all, Rubyhold had long been staunch allies of the Lorenti and were - seemingly - above the internal politics of the Kingdom.\n\nThis changed with the arrival of the Elves. Even before Ioriel became the de facto ruler of Lorent in 1020, appointments which should have gone to Ruby Dwarves were instead given to elves. And when Ioriel became the de facto ruler of Lorent in 1020, she did not simply pass over Dwarves for roles they would traditionally have received, but began firing Ruby dwarves - including the venerable Steward Snorri Gemhorn, appointed by Lorevarn himself! - and replaced them with Elves loyal to herself.\n\nDisgusted with this behavior, Rubyhold would turn its aid and attention elsewhere. And when King Ruben of Lorent formally invited Ruby advisors after Ioriel’s death, in an attempt to mend relations? He was spurned in what is commonly called 'the Sulk', which saw Rubyhold ignore Lencori overtures up until 1207, when they once more sent advisors to Lorent - though the competition with Elves forced the Ruby advisors to hone their skills to perfection.
|idea5effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=-15%|description=Stability Cost Modifier }}
|idea5effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+1|description=Free Policies }}<br />{{Modifier|type=bonus|value=-10%|description=Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture }}
|idea6name=Lorent's Siege Corp
|idea6name=Ruby versus Silver
|idea6desc=Other dwarves raise armies to fight their battles. Rubyhold raised Lorent to fight battles. The skilled knights of Lorent are highly valuable to us, protecting their lands and ours from those who would try to conquer us. But how can the dwarves of Rubyhold be useful to Lorent? That question was answered by specialising in siegecraft, for centuries Lorentish sieges have been led by dwarven generals. Our military academy teaches the other aspects of war, yes, but the art of the siege is the priority. Ballistas, mining, cannonfire. Castles, fieldworks, city walls. For generations Rubyhold generals have learned the latest and greatest when it comes to besieging.
|idea6desc=Since the first fall of Khugdihr in 476 AA, Rubyhold was the only independent Dwarven polity in Cannor… with one exception: the minor mining colony of Silverforge. Few Ruby Dwarves paid it any mind, though, for the colony was almost a millennium old, it was still nowhere near finished and thus enjoyed nowhere near as much prestige as Rubyhold.\n\nDuring Ioriel’s reign the Lencori court was closed off to the Ruby dwarves, and so Rubyhold found itself awash with advisors, diplomats, and officials who had previously served in Lorent. These were instead sent to the various Dwarven communities throughout Cannor, winning Rubyhold significant soft power among them - for a time.\n\nFor when the Empire of Anbennar formed and Rubyhold refused to swear fealty to the Mage Emperor, the dwarves of Silverforge bent the knee. As a reward for their submission, Silverforge was made the representative of all Silver dwarves within Cannor. Since then, Rubyhold and Silverforge have fought in guild halls and clan homes for cultural primacy over dwarves in Western Cannor, with both nations striving to establish themselves as the pinnacle of what a dwarf should be.
|idea6effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+1|description=Leader Siege }}
|idea6effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+1|description=Diplomatic Reputation }}<br />{{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+1|description=Diplomats }}
|idea7name=The Global Gem Trade
|idea7name=Rose Party Siege Engineers
|idea7desc=Aelantir colonization opened up new opportunities for Rubyhold. Famed for gems, Rubyhold has long been seen as the premier destination for Cannorian nobles who wish to have a gem cut. Situated on the edge of both Lorent and the empire, Rubyhold has been sought out by both when it comes to turning gems into jewels. The discovery of new world gems in the colonies only increased the quantity of gems arriving in Rubyhold for cutting. During the 1600s ruby dwarves began setting up gem cartels, in many cases directly taking over the operation of mines in the new world. With long mining expertise, many countries were eager to accept the assistance of the cartels in their colonies. Those cartels funnelled gems of all shapes and sizes back to Rubyhold. Gems from Lorentish colonies arriving via Oldport and the Redgate, gems from imperial colonies arriving via Exwes and the Rivergate. It was said that more gems passed through the gates of Rubyhold in a year than existed in the treasuries of many countries.
|idea7desc=After the Sulk, the return of ruby advisors to Lorent was… disappointing. Some positions were swiftly granted to dwarves, but far fewer than Rubyhold held before the Landing, and most positions were of middling importance - if that.\n\nIt was not until the Lilac Wars that this changed. To most of Cannor, this was a series of devastating conflicts. For Rubyhold? It was a way to curry favor with Lorent, which might just be the way for Rubyhold to restore its lost influence at the Lorentish court. The greatest opportunity for this came with the rebellion of the Wine Lords, since several court members lost their positions due to rebel ties. And when it came to filling them? Why, Rubyhold and Redglades waged wars of honeyed words and subtle remarks over these appointments, even as the real war was raging.\n\nThough Rubyhold heavy infantry fought Winelord rebels, Anbennarian troops, and Wexonard forces, their most significant contribution was the military engineers that accompanied Rose Party armies to help ford rivers, raise battleground fortifications, or bring down enemy castles, frequently facing off against counterparts hailing from Silverforge.
|idea7effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+10%|description=Goods Produced Modifier }}
|idea7effect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+1|description=Leader Siege }}
|ambitioneffect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+10%|description=Siege Ability }}}}
|ambitioneffect={{Modifier|type=bonus|value=+15%|description=National Manpower Modifier }}}}

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Latest revision as of 23:25, 14 June 2024

+20% Garrison Size
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

The Distant HoldIn a time of great prosperity in the ancient Dwarven Empire, there was a wealthy dwarf that sought to venture beyond the Serpentspine and establish a greater legacy for this clan. Lorek Redstone, the head of a clan hailing from the hold of Ânumdihr, organised many expeditions across the surface in Cannor to find riches and treasure that his home had not yet seen.\n\nEmploying mostly poorer and desperate dwarves, he promised them high pay for travelling the dangerous, untamed surface. Though they came across many mountain ranges, it was the Ruby Mountains that held the most potential, for the rubies found there had a deep, red shade never seen before in Aul-Dwarov, making them quite coveted among wealthy dwarves.\n\nIt was in 7989 BA that the construction of Rubyhold began, and Dwarves from all across the Serpentspine came to build and settle the hold with promises of further prosperity for all its denizens. The hold was completed in 7024 BA, garnering the Redstone clan much prestige and renown, which was translated into influence in the Amlharaz, causing a stir in the status quo maintained by the old Holds. Since then, Aul-Dwarov and most Dwarfholds have fallen - but we remain.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Our RubiesRubies can be found not just in the Ruby Mountains, but also in the Dwarovar. However, the rubies found in the Ruby Mountains are unique, for their distinctive and beautiful dark red colouration sets them apart from any other rubies, and saw them command premium prices in the Dwarovar and become a symbol of wealth and prestige, especially after the ancient crown of the Aul-Dwarov - the Dwarovkron - was adorned with the largest ruby ever found within the Ruby Mountains.\n\nThough this act sent demand for our rubies surging even higher, it would also spark a civil war, as old Dwarfholds felt slighted by a brand new hold being granted such prestige, severely weakening the unity of the dwarves and contributing to the Last Days of the Dwarovar. As a result of this, other Dwarves - to whom our gems are known as “West Rubies” - associate our rubies with endings and blood, with these associations eventually spreading to the Bulwari through trade with nearby surface holds.\n\nIn Cannor, however, they are known as “Rose Rubies”, thanks to our long cooperation with the Lencori people, and here, the most well-known rose ruby is, by far, the centerpiece of the Ruby Crown of Lorent, which is a massive ruby ringed by five smaller rubies, which are arrayed to create a stylized rose.
+1 Yearly Prestige
+10% Production Efficiency

The Dwarves of LencenorAfter the fall of Aul-Dwarov, Rubyhold kept trading with the Serpentreach and Khugdihr, though this trade grew less profitable with time as more Serpentreach Holds fell or were lost. With less and less wealth coming in from trading with other dwarves, Rubyhold sought new trading partners… and when they found none, saw fit to create them from the Lencori human tribes around the Ruby Mountains. Starting in 2076 BA, Rubyhold began teaching them metalworking, stoneworking, and more ephemeral concepts, significantly speeding up their societal progress.\n\nThis proved a wise decision, as human goods and merchants became increasingly common over the coming centuries, and the blossoming relationship between Rubyhold and the Lencori people could be seen in the Eidoueni Pantheon - the faith of the Lencori - having two Dwarven Gods.\n\nRubyhold, in turn, would adopt several Lencori words into their dialect, most prominently “rousa” for rose, and with time, “Vazvudi” would be seen as an archaic term - especially after The Onslaught saw Deep Devils rise from the Divenhal, severing Rubyhold from other Dwarfholds for almost a century - with “Rousavudi” being considered more modern, and indicative of a new self-understanding for Ruby dwarves as dwarves of Lencenor, rather than the “west” dwarves.
+2 Tolerance of Heathens

The Lencori PlanAfter the Onslaught, the Age of Antiquity would see three great empires largely split Cannor between them, and though Rubyhold maintained its independence, it was unknown whether it would be able to resist a committed war of conquest these empires. Thus, the Dragonwake of 470 AA was no calamity for Rubyhold, but an opportunity.\n\nWith the Cannorian status quo shattered, the Lencori Plan was conceived. This plan saw Rubyhold back the Lencori warlord Lorenan, allowing him to unify the region and found the High Kingdom of Lencenor as a natural ally of Rubyhold. Though this support took many forms, the most visible were the armor and crown forged for him, both of which were fashioned from Rosemetal, a variant of steel with a pink-red hue, traditionally reserved for Rubyhold’s royal family.\n\nEven when Lencenor splintered into smaller Kingdoms, Ruby advisors remained present, their long lives and status as trusted outsiders allowing them to attain high positions at Lencori courts. And when King Lorevarn reunited the region and donned the Ruby Crown in 900 AA? Why, it was with his trusted advisor Snorri Gemhorn - who had also served Lorevarn’s father and grandfather - at his side, while King Magni XIV of Rubyhold personally proclaimed that the Ruby Crown was the genuine article.
+10% Improve Relations
+10% Spy Network Construction

Struggle against ElvenisationBetween Lorent’s founding in 900 and the Landing in 1000, Rubyhold slowly increased its influence over Lorent, with Lorevarn’s successors growing more and more dependent on their dwarven advisors. After all, Rubyhold had long been staunch allies of the Lorenti and were - seemingly - above the internal politics of the Kingdom.\n\nThis changed with the arrival of the Elves. Even before Ioriel became the de facto ruler of Lorent in 1020, appointments which should have gone to Ruby Dwarves were instead given to elves. And when Ioriel became the de facto ruler of Lorent in 1020, she did not simply pass over Dwarves for roles they would traditionally have received, but began firing Ruby dwarves - including the venerable Steward Snorri Gemhorn, appointed by Lorevarn himself! - and replaced them with Elves loyal to herself.\n\nDisgusted with this behavior, Rubyhold would turn its aid and attention elsewhere. And when King Ruben of Lorent formally invited Ruby advisors after Ioriel’s death, in an attempt to mend relations? He was spurned in what is commonly called 'the Sulk', which saw Rubyhold ignore Lencori overtures up until 1207, when they once more sent advisors to Lorent - though the competition with Elves forced the Ruby advisors to hone their skills to perfection.
+1 Free Policies
-10% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

Ruby versus SilverSince the first fall of Khugdihr in 476 AA, Rubyhold was the only independent Dwarven polity in Cannor… with one exception: the minor mining colony of Silverforge. Few Ruby Dwarves paid it any mind, though, for the colony was almost a millennium old, it was still nowhere near finished and thus enjoyed nowhere near as much prestige as Rubyhold.\n\nDuring Ioriel’s reign the Lencori court was closed off to the Ruby dwarves, and so Rubyhold found itself awash with advisors, diplomats, and officials who had previously served in Lorent. These were instead sent to the various Dwarven communities throughout Cannor, winning Rubyhold significant soft power among them - for a time.\n\nFor when the Empire of Anbennar formed and Rubyhold refused to swear fealty to the Mage Emperor, the dwarves of Silverforge bent the knee. As a reward for their submission, Silverforge was made the representative of all Silver dwarves within Cannor. Since then, Rubyhold and Silverforge have fought in guild halls and clan homes for cultural primacy over dwarves in Western Cannor, with both nations striving to establish themselves as the pinnacle of what a dwarf should be.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+1 Diplomats

Rose Party Siege EngineersAfter the Sulk, the return of ruby advisors to Lorent was… disappointing. Some positions were swiftly granted to dwarves, but far fewer than Rubyhold held before the Landing, and most positions were of middling importance - if that.\n\nIt was not until the Lilac Wars that this changed. To most of Cannor, this was a series of devastating conflicts. For Rubyhold? It was a way to curry favor with Lorent, which might just be the way for Rubyhold to restore its lost influence at the Lorentish court. The greatest opportunity for this came with the rebellion of the Wine Lords, since several court members lost their positions due to rebel ties. And when it came to filling them? Why, Rubyhold and Redglades waged wars of honeyed words and subtle remarks over these appointments, even as the real war was raging.\n\nThough Rubyhold heavy infantry fought Winelord rebels, Anbennarian troops, and Wexonard forces, their most significant contribution was the military engineers that accompanied Rose Party armies to help ford rivers, raise battleground fortifications, or bring down enemy castles, frequently facing off against counterparts hailing from Silverforge.
+1 Leader Siege

+15% National Manpower Modifier