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Latest revision as of 00:14, 15 June 2024


Primary Culture

+10% Infantry Combat Ability
-25% Military Advisor Cost

School of a Thousand KicksThe monks of Tsiancukmen follow the School of a Thousand Kicks. Practitioners of the school forego blows with their hands and elbows and instead use the legs as their weapon of choice, battering their foes with deadly kicks. Favoring speed over force, the monks aspire to launch dozens of kicks in the blink of an eye, though a single well delivered strike with the leg will often be enough against opponents untrained in the art of chi. This fighting style leaves the arms free for guards and parries - and of course the occasional sucker punch.
+0.15 Infantry Shock

The Armless LightninghandsTsiancukmen traces its beginnings to the legendary master Youkai Lightninghands, whose punches were said to hit faster than the lightning and harder than the mountains. His unparalleled strength of arms had made him completely undefeated, until one fateful duel where his most bitter rival managed to use his chi to immobilize him. Not content with just beating him in combat, the scoundrel decided to sever the helpless Youkai’s arms, so that all of his life’s work and training would be undone. But Youkai refused to let this be the end of his story, so he trained his kicking technique until he could fight with his legs alone. When his training finally was completed, he challenged his rival to a rematch and soundly defeated him. Onlookers to the fight said that the Lightninghands had somehow become even more dangerous than he had been when he still had his arms.
-1% Prestige Decay

Leg Training DayAs so much of their fighting style relies on their legs, the monks of Tsiancukmen have developed a custom where they spend one day each week exclusively training their legs. Most of this time is spent running along the many paths and trails crossing the hills and fields, but kicking rehearsals and other strength exercises are done as well. Participation has become so important to the temple’s community that many monks will try to participate even when sick or injured, rather than suffering the shame of having skipped out.
-25% Envoy Travel Time
+15% Movement Speed

Winning with StyleThe Xia has no shortage of flashy fighters, but few are as flashy as the monks of the Thousand Kicks. Their lightning-fast kicks let them defeat multiple untrained opponents in the blink of an eye without throwing a single punch, and their strong leg muscles let them dart across the battlefield with impressive leaps. When gathered together into a full fighting force, the monks become like a veritable hurricane tearing through enemy soldiers faster than the eye can keep track of. Many of the monks deliberately play into this, sacrificing practicality and efficiency for fancy leaps, roundhouse kicks and even pirouettes. The Tsiancukmen temple seeks not just to defeat their enemies, but to do it in the most impressive way possible.
+50% Prestige from Land battles

With my Hands Behind my BackWhen a master of the Thousand Kicks truly wants to humiliate an opponent by displaying their own superiority, they have their own arms tied behind their back before entering the fight. This practice, which is believed to have originated with Youkai Lightninghands’ famous victory, is seen by many as the ultimate sign of disrespect, and losing such a fight is seen as the ultimate humiliation. Many masters of the Xia have thus decried the School of a Thousand Kicks as arrogant and prideful, and many of these same masters have subsequently found themselves needing to back up their words against an opponent handicapped in this very manner.
+100% Power Projection From Insults

The Tournament ArcThe Zhantianyu arena, often called “the tournament arc” due to its peculiar shape, is the most famous arena in all of Xianjie. Its yearly fighting tournament draws in powerful cultivators from all over Xianjie, and even some from lands beyond. Many noncombatants come to the arena as well, hoping to witness the spectacular fights, fierce rivalries and shocking upsets that the tournament is known for.
+10% National Tax Modifier

Air Jump TechniqueConsidered the very apex of the School of a Thousand Kicks, it is said that the true masters of the school can kick the air into the ground while in midjump in such a way that the compressed air momentarily becomes a springboard for another jump, allowing the practitioner to bounce across battlefields with breathtaking speed and agility while their landbound opponents are left in the dust.
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

+10% Morale Damage


