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[[Category:Countries with missions]]

Latest revision as of 03:31, 27 April 2024


Primary Culture

+10% Domestic Trade Power
-15% War Score Cost vs Other Religions

Children of the Šad SurAfter Aakhet the Bronze's defeat to the Sand Demon in 488, a power vacuum was left in Bulwar. One of the first to take his chance in this era of turmoil was a small commander by the name of Barseen who had been stationed in the then modest city of Zanšap. He rallied the troops left to garrison the city, overthrew the governor and managed to carve himself a kingdom centered around the northern part of the Šad Sur.\n\nIn the following centuries, the small mountainous Akalate became richer and richer thanks to the gold mine in Šad Uraš and slave trade, until most of it fell in the early 9th century to a gnollish invasion led by Jix the Goldseeker.\n\nToday, the majority of the people of the Šad Sur have deserted the mountains due to the repeated gnollish raids, but the traditions forged by Barseen still remain.
-15% Land Attrition

Loyal to the PhoenixAfter Jaher's landing in 1001, the Akal of Zanšap, Bavar II, submitted to him under the condition that the sun elves would help him take back the lands of his ancestors. The promise was fulfilled in 1004 when the gnolls were completely driven out of the Šad Sur — Jaher returned its old territories and more.\n\nSince then, the people of Zanšap have always been thankful to their saviors. They count among the sun elves' most fervent supporters, even when the lands were gradually lost again to the gnolls in the following centuries.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Taelarios' Left HandThe Order of the Zenith is an elite religious order composed of Zanšap's best soldiers. Unlike most, however, they don't answer to the Inquisitorial College but directly to Taelarios Irrliazuir, the sun elf who unified the sun cult after Jaher's death.\n\nTheir main mission is to track and deal with the heretics that refuse to believe that the Savior's divinity passed onto the sun elves or who outright reject Him. Their second, unofficial, mission is to ‘convince' the other Sun Cult leaders to fall back in line behind Taelarios.
+1% Missionary Strength
+5% Infantry Combat Ability

A Well Earned RestThe life of an elf is very long. As they grow older, they tend to feel less and less connected with the world. By the end of the fourteenth century, most of the sun elves that helped organise the New Sun Cult into a proper religion were entering old age.\n\nLike their moon elf cousins in the Silent Repose they decided to leave the vanities of the active world behind, and left for monasteries across Irrliam and its vassals' territories. Most of these were established in Zanšap for its temperate weather, particularly in the province of Surib. The aging elves still keep some sort of activity, mainly by producing incense, but largely they specialize in reflecting on Surael's blessings and teaching young clergymen His ways.
-10% Missionary Maintenance Cost
+5% Production Efficiency

The Blooming KasiyaruThe kasiyaru is a plant that only grows in the area around the city of Zanšap. Though the locals have always credited this to Surael's blessing, more modern botanists think it is likely due to a unique combination of rich soil brought by the numerous rivers flowing through the province, high exposure to the sun and the mountains' protection from the dry desert winds.\n\nThe seeds of the plant, once ground, produce one of the most exquisite spices in the world and the flowers are gifted to young men and women on the day they reach their seventeenth birthday to celebrate their entry into adulthood. The cultivation of the kasiyaru is so important to the Zanšapi economy and culture that it has long been one of its primary symbols, and even features on the Akalate's flag.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

The Stone PalaceEkluzagnu, also known as Grixekyr in gnollish, was the capital of the Šad Sur Akalate. Its name, roughly translated to "stone palace", was not an exaggeration: the city is literally carved into the mountain.\n\nInitially an ancient Bulwari fortress, it was transformed into a capital by the gnollish matriarch Zehia, destroyed by the Xhazobine, partially rebuilt under the rule of Castan III and destroyed again by Aakhet. When Barseen took control of the place, it was little more than a pile of ruins. His son Bavar I, with his Akalate flourishing, ordered the restoration of the old fortress and turned it into a palace. As the excavations continued and more of the ruins were uncovered, the palace became a town, then a city, until it officially became the capital in the year 542.
-10% Construction Cost

The Day of the SheepDuring the last month before the winter solstice, when sunset draws near, the mountains of the Šad Sur cast a shadow on the hill adjacent to the city of Zanšap that very much resembles a sheep. During these shorter days, the Zanšapi tend to respect the tenets of the Sun Cult to the letter to support Surael in his fight against Darkness. The day of the solstice is called ‘Umaslu' or ‘the day of the sheep' and families gather around a big plate of ovine meat before praying for the return of longer days.
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

-10% Shock Damage Received


