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[[Category:Countries with missions]]

Latest revision as of 03:31, 27 April 2024


Primary Culture

+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Missionaries

The First Among the CultA long time ago, Darkness reigned in Bulwar as the old gods died. Only the Light of Surakel remained to save its people from damnation and corruption but the old priests still adored the dead gods and refused to acknowledge that the only salvation could come from the Sun. But in 1150 BA, an hermit emerged from the Salahad desert and gathered followers. He spoke of his visions, of the war between the Gods, the Darkness and the sacrifice Surakel made for his people and his never-ending fight. The old city of Vacyn welcomed Hammura the Wise who became the first kašra (priest) of Surakel and built the first temple, eduz, to his glory, giving a new name to the city.\n\nBulwar may have become the centre of the cult thanks to its huge population, but every true believer knows that the Cult was born in Eduz-Vacyn.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

The Power in the EastThe priests of Eduz-Vacyn always had an influence over eastern Bulwar, leading it in their own right during the Akal-Kašra (Priest-King) era when the temple held control over all the eastern Bulwari people. Eventually their rule declined as gnolls invaded the upper Suran, but they never were conquered by foreigners as the petty kingdoms of Avamezan or Azka-Sur always guaranteed their independence for the sake of the faith. Eduz-Vacyn is thus the natural arbiter of the eastern politics and it shall remain so forever.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+10% Improve Relations

The Išiak SurakelThe high-priest of Eduz-Vacyn always was a prominent figure in Bulwar. But following the death of the holy Taelarios of Irrliam, the elf who had purged heresy following the end of the Phoenix Empire, the high priest of Eduz-Vacyn claimed to be the 'Išiak Surakeš', steward of the only God. With this title, he claimed primacy over the various temples of the Sun Cult as the first religious authority of the believers. Although Bulwar and Azka-Sur denied these claims, his claims attracted several theologians who helped strengthen this claim through their works.
+1 Administrative Free Policies

The Morning IncenseThe morning prayer is the most important religious ceremony in the Bulwari Sun Cult. Believers gather in the temples to listen to the holy words of the Cult before the rise of the Sun in the east. Then priests light up incense, the smoke purifying the believers who pray for Surakel to rise up in the sky. Then the light of the Sun pierces through the smoke to illuminate and bless its chosen people.\n\nAs Eduz-Vacyn is the main producer of incense in Bulwar and the temple has a monopoly on its production and trade, the local souk is always filled with merchants sent by the various followers of the Cult.
+15% Trade Efficiency

The Sun ServantsAfter the fight against Zokka resulted in the temple having to pay a heavy tribute to the gnolls, the temple decided to attract devout soldiers in the modern era. These so called ‘Sun Servants' attracted people from all Bulwar who were dedicated to protect Eduz-Vacyn from the Darkness.
+15% National Manpower Modifier

The Order of the Poor PilgrimsFollowing the reopening of the Salahad caravans, the temple sponsored priests to accompany the merchants in need of faith. Often armed against the threats of the desert, these priests were organised as the ‘Order of the Poor Pilgrims' in 1564 by the temple authorities. Their experience proved valuable to the Temple as they often integrated the Temple's army as skilled officers.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay

Upholding OrthodoxyWhile Eduz-Vacyn was the first to recognize the Light of Surakel, even the most distinguished can be deceived. When Jaher, praised be his name, liberated Bulwar, the priests of Eduz-Vacyn refused to recognize him as Surakel Reborn out of spite for their Bulwari rivals. But they were soon shown the errors of their ways when His Legion defeated the Surani Alliance, that had been assembled by the priests of Eduz-Vacyn. The Savior of the World, praised be he, entered their temple in 1025 and banished their fears of retaliation as he left the temple and the city intact after praying atop the temple all night until the rising of the Sun.\n\nFollowing their mistakes, the priests of Eduz-Vacyn became the staunchest supporters of the Jaherian Cult and developed an inquisition to track down the unbelievers that formed the basis for the later Jaherian Exemplars.
+2% Missionary Strength


