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Latest revision as of 03:31, 27 April 2024

The Edhardrachon

Primary Culture

+5% Discipline
-2% Prestige Decay

The Battle of the Burning Hill'Men of Castanor, how can your courage fail you today when the Castanites who founded this Empire walked ten thousand miles to flee slavery and chaos in Bulwar? How can your boldness fail you when two thousands years ago, led by Castan the Progenitor, they chose to fight and die with honour rather than to wait and die by the gnollish demonflame creeping up their fortified hill? To charge downhill, through fire and flame, and to clash with a foe that outnumbered you ten to one, was to be the last act of bravery... but Castellos saw otherwise. And during the Castanite charge, what did Castellos do? He appeared in the form of a Silver Dragon and blew the demonflame back at the gnolls, decisively altering the fate of mankind!\n\n'Men of Castanor, be bold, for your arms will not fail you! Men of Castanor, hold your swords high, for we charge in the name of Castan and the Battle of the Burning Hill! And let our battlecry be heard by the gods, for they will answer with victory!'
+15% Morale of Armies

The Great RestorationDamenath, Vertesk, Bal Mire, Bal Ouord... The old Castanorian name of those cities and fortresses still today show the extent of the Greater Castan's Empire of the past. We will never forget that Castanor was the first human empire to rule these lands, and it is our sovereign, no, holy duty to take them back into the fold - for only when we rule all of Cannor can the lands be safe.
-10% Core-Creation Cost
+15% Governing Capacity Modifier

Castonath is Escann, and Escann is CastonathUnlike all other cities in Cannor, Castonath was modelled after the dwarven holds of the Serpentspine. And like the greatest dwarven holds, it seems like rather than a city, an entire country was concentrated inside huge walls. All peoples of Escann is represented here, and no merchant can transport goods across Escann without making a stop at the sprawling markets of the City of Stone. For to trade with Escann is to trade with Castonath.
+25% Caravan Power

Balgar's WondersCastanor's early successes at establishing itself as a great, lasting power was largely due to one dwarf: Balgar the Builder. His unparalleled mastery of architecture allowed for the construction for great works unseen in Cannor, from the legendary Dragonforge that armed the Castanorian Legions, to the White Walls that protected the fledgling empire from monstrous threats, to the famous citadels now scattered across Cannor.
+20% Fort Defence
-10% Fort Maintenance

Revive the Castanorian LegionsThe Castanorian Legions was the source of Castanor's power, and once marched across Cannor, Bulwar and the Salahad to ensure the empire's power. While the days of antiquity are long gone, we can reform our army structure to follow the old ways, and create an army truly fit for an empire.
-5% Regiment Costs
+20% Land Force Limit Modifier

The Silver Dragon of Castanor'Zaamalot the Black flew under the cover of night, burning Castonath to ash. All I could see were corpses and houses set ablaze, and in the flickers of flame I saw that even the white stone of the city had turned black under the Black Dragon's fiery breath. And then came down the sky what looked like a lighting, followed by a deafening but oddly musical roar of thunder. The Silver Dragon of Castanor, the legendary Avatar of Castellos, who helped Castan I at Burning Hill, was coming to our help again - and began to fight with Zaamalot.\n\n'I knelt before the glistening silhouette instinctively, amazed at the creature's might and beauty. For once, the sight of dragonfire filled me with hope, and the flames reflected on his scales, shining so brightly that it seemed dawn had come for a moment. Two years after the end of the Dragonwake, I still feel blessed by this memory. All of our people should feel blessed that twice in history, Castellos himself appeared in the form of the Silver Dragon to save Castanor from a horrible end.'\n\n-Autobiography of Castan XXXVII the Rebuilder
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition
-20% Stability Cost Modifier

The Crown of HumanityIt truly is a pity that of all the artifacts recovered by the adventurers after the Greentide, the old silver crown of Castanor is still missing. Hence, when Castanor was rebuilt from its ashes, it was clear to all that the new Castan lacked a fitting crown. From today on, this will not be the case.\n\nOut of silver and mithril, in one year of work, our best smiths forged a huge majestic crown. At the base, shining brightly, is a circlet sculpted to depict the White Walls. Surmounting each tower of the circlet are statues of the gods of the Cannorian Pantheon, encrusted with innumerable jewels. At the center, linked to the interior of the wall by bands of metal, lies an astonishingly accurate representation of Trialmount, topped with a huge diamond!\n\nBut that is not all, as there are actually two different parts in this masterpiece! Our smiths forged a splendid miniature dragon, and the most talented enchanter of our realm created an invisible magic link between the two parts, so that the dragon can levitate atop the crown! The mighty Silver Dragon of Castanor deploying its wings around Castan's head as he speaks is truly a sight to behold.
+15 Maximum Absolutism

-2 National Unrest


