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|religion=Righteous Path
|religion=Righteous Path
|idea_group=Yumaomen Ideas

Latest revision as of 00:14, 15 June 2024


Primary Culture

+1 Leader(s) without Upkeep
+10% Shock Damage

School of the Charging BullThe monks of Yumaomen specialize in a school of martial arts known as the School of the Charging Bull. Based on imitating the characteristics of the ox, the style puts emphasis on 'weapon destruction': swiftly disabling the enemy's offensive capability with overwhelming strength, charging strikes, and versatile hand-to-hand techniques intended to target any part of the body. Even the basic defensive moves are designed to strike an incoming arm or leg, and chi-powered Bull monks are able to knock charging cavalry to the ground with their fists alone. As a result, the style's users are a devastating threat in close combat.
+0.15 Infantry Shock

Guanniu - BullwrestlingBull-wrestling is a centuries-old tradition beloved by the people of Yumaomen. What started as a bloodless method to pacify unruly cattle by cowherds has developed into a popular pastime that keeps the locals fit, with monks and villagers alike seeking to prove their strength by wrestling adult bulls to the ground with their bare hands.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay

Oxlords of the XianjieWhile other regions of Haless might produce more cattle, nowhere else does cattle raising permeate the local culture as it does in Yumaomen, which has led to the locals excelling in rearing cattle. Yumaomen oxherds and cattle breeders dominate their professions in the Xianjie, and Yumaomen oxen cattle are imported all across Xianjie and Yanshen for their quality.
+10% Global Trade Power

Body-Toughening DrillsThe School of the Charging Bull isn't one that anyone can join. The monks are expected to have a strong physique to take the shock of attacks and execute the powerful techniques, as well as a proper attitude towards training. Like a beast of burden, students are forced to endure drudgery and exhausting, laboring work, building and abusing their bodies in a gradual and systematic way to condition their arms and legs for the powerful strikes characteristic of the style. These drills must be done on nearly a daily basis to maintain their benefit and get progressively more painful as the students grow used to them, but the effectiveness of fully-hardened limbs speaks for themselves.
-25% Regiment Drill Loss

Monk-GeneralsWhile its demanding training practices make the School of the Charging Bull rare among martial artists, it has achieved more fame through its application in military strategy, making it one of Xia's leading martial traditions. But while others have only a surface-level grasp of the Art of the Charging Bull, Yumaomen's monks devote decades to perfect all aspects of the School, including its military applications. Thus, during times of war, Xianjie turns to the Old Ox Palace for their monk-generals, who have time and time again proven their skill in the field of battle.
-5% General Cost
+1 Land Leader Shock

Calm as a CowThe School of the Charging Bull preaches the importance of maintaining inner calm in the face of provocation. Just as the ox doesn't seek a fight when left to its own accords, adherents of the way of the Charging Bull, be they monks or peasants, shouldn't be prone to unnecessary aggression and be tolerant of others - up to the point of trespass. As a result, Yumaomen's people are just as famous for their composure, as they are infamous for their fury when their patience has finally run out. After all, as the saying goes, 'Wise men fear the gentle man's anger'.
-1 National Unrest

To Greener PasturesYumaomen's vast herds of cattle are unable to sustain themselves year round on the lowland pastures. As a result, local oxherds practice transhumance as they travel with their herds vast distances in search of lush mountain pastures in the summer, while returning home to warmer valleys in the winter.\n\nThis partial nomadism proved invaluable for Yumaomen's population during the Command's invasion of the region. Since most of the locals' wealth was in cattle, and the rest could be carried with ox-driven carts, the locals could simply retreat into the mountains to escape the Command’s oppression, or flee as refugees to Yanshen and southern Haless. This allowed the School of the Charging Bull to outlive the subjugation of so many of their fellow Xia, the order splitting into two branches during the monk’s relocation to Lanjinhui and Azkare.
-10% Move Capital cost modifier
+15% Movement Speed

+10% Production Efficiency


