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|religion=Taychendi Hero Cults
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|idea_group=Vettakari Ideas

Latest revision as of 03:36, 27 April 2024


Primary Culture

-25% Military Advisor Cost
+15% Movement Speed

The Hills Have EyesThe Vettakari are particularly ferocious in keeping their independence, and have mastered guerilla warfare in their home hills, using the many caves, cliffs and tropical forests of the northern Katalmarai to ambush and destroy any invaders. A common Kalavendhi saying mentioning the area says that the "hills have eyes", because you never know where a Vettakari fighter might be hiding to surprise you.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Copper FistsFor a millenia and a half, Vettakaramai has been on the frontier of the Kalavend, subject to Larankarha raids and incursions – particularly by the Advakhalla of Ahartadyam. Despite this, the Vettakari hold a deep respect for their Advakhalla neighbours, with their martial abilities and techniques inspiring awe, and their code of honour preventing the creation of any serious grudge between the two peoples – most unlike their view of Vettakaramai’s Mudaliar neighbours.\n\nWhile they lack the Advakhalla’s culture of meditation, the Vettakari fighting style is particularly inspired by their unique form of martial arts, with a popular weapon for both battles and friendlier sparring matches being the Temirkutta, (literally "copper-punchers"), a bronze unarmed weapon forged by the smiths of Temirennu.
+10% Shock Damage

The Vale's HeartThe northern foothills of the Kalavend aren’t the most bountiful place in Taychend – without the underground wealth of Uesrennu’s lands, most people live in small village-city states as forest hunters or terrace farmers, getting by from the fortunes of rain or the appearance of rare beasts.\n\nWith this in mind, it is easy to see why one of the most popular myths among the Vettakari is the legend of the Vale’s Heart, Uttayatel, said to be a paradise hidden among the hills of the Katalmarai, unreachable by invaders and where beasts to hunt are bountiful. Though this mythical paradise has proven itself unreachable for the Vettakari, it has long been an ambition to create one for themselves out of their highland home, turning their impoverished realm into a hunter’s dream.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Monsters of the Green HellBeyond the imposing peak of the Vintukkamarai and the ragged mountains of the upper Katalmarai, there lies an impenetrable jungle that stretches far beyond the horizon. Filled with flora and fauna so deadly as to make hunting impossible within its confines, with only seven recorded braves managing to descend into the jungle for any significant amount of time. The Effelai has thus proven an unfortunate obstacle to Vettakari ambitions – however, that does not mean we cannot draw on the jungle’s resources in our own way.\n\nVettakari hunters have long organised an ingenious sentry system, watching the borders of the Effelai for monsters who wander their way out of the jungle. Descending upon these beasts – who provide a worthy challenge even isolated as they are - the Vettakari keep the precious pelts and bones taken from their corpses as trophies.Some less scrupulous rulers even sell them to the rich lords of the Kalavend – though this act is greatly frowned upon in Taychendi society.
-15% Land Attrition

Aladewarya the FrenziedAladewarya was born a common huntress in the early 9th century, who would take part in a disastrous war against Nanru Nakar which ended in the sack and subjugation of Vettakaramai. The loss was a great humiliation, as the Nakari were commanded by a lowly and untalented scion of the Mudaliars, nothing like the great heroes of the past who had managed to subdue the northern Katalmarai. In response to her self-percieved failings during the war – especially her own failure to assassinate the Nakari commander when the opportunity presented itself – Aladewarya left Taychend to exile herself in the Effelai, a suicidal action believed to be madness by her contemporaries.\n\nNobody knows what happened to her in the jungle, but she would come out of the Effelai three years later, profoundly marked by her experience, with her hair having taken on the colour of blood during her exile. She quickly rallied her people and defeated the Nakari in a series of decisive battles, where she demonstrated unparalleled bravery and fury. The Vettakari would become independent again, though the efforts of Aladewarya proved to be undone by the conquests of Kadradar and Ultarlanbeg later in the century. In spite of this, however, Aladewarya is still remembered fondly today for embodying the ferocity and determination of the people of the hills.
+10% Morale Damage

Spit on VanityThe only thing the Vettakari hate more than being subjugated is vanity and luxury. To them, Nanru Nakar is the exemplar of the decadence they hate, their worst nemesis. Compared to Parahechend, who look back to the past in melancholy, and Varamraya, who believe their failures only lead them to being stronger, you cannot make a more disloyal vassal than Vettakaramai.
+100% Power Projection From Insults
-0.05 Yearly Corruption

Bloodhaired SistersIn the 1600s, Cannorian adventurers finally began to arrive in Taychend in force, bringing with them tales of their homeland through their adventuring, exploring, and participation in great conflicts like the Kamrayakval’s War. As these strange foreigners came to Vettakaramai for the first time, the Vettakari were especially taken with their descriptions of a Cannorian hero, who merely two hundred years ago rallied together 20 different groups from across their home continent, vanquishing a great evil, an orc named "the Dookanson".\n\nThe Vettakari couldn’t fail to notice the resemblances she had with their god hero, Aladewarya the Frenzied – both had their hairs tainted of blood, both fiercely defended their homes against foreign invaders. And the orcs? Their fierce descriptions matched with that of monsters coming from the Effelai. The Cannorians had, in an act well known to the Taychendi, proclaimed her a god after her death – and the Vettakari were certainly inclined to agree. The quickly-established hero cult to this foreigner, "Corin", quickly grew in popularity in Vettakaramai, also proving a useful tool in diplomacy with Cannorian powers.
yes May Recruit Female Generals
+2 Tolerance of Heathens

+10% Production Efficiency


