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|religion=Taychendi Hero Cults
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Latest revision as of 03:36, 27 April 2024


Primary Culture

+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Four Tribes of the SarihadduUnlike their Taychendi brethren, the Sarihaddi people are organized not around city-states but into tribes, having never adopted agriculture or complex urbanism due to the harshness of their homeland. Though there are many Sarihaddi tribes across Taychend’s central desert and the Guaraddhi, the most important of these tribes are the so-called Four Tribes of the Sarihaddu:\nthe Wind Riders of the Veaddi, powerful and charismatic overlords of the Sarihaddi;\nthe Dust Keepers of the Kirenur, fervent worshippers of the God-Heroes of the Sarihaddi and custodians of the Dust Graveyard;\nthe Shackle Breakers of the Settaerut, fierce, Chendhyan-aligned freedom fighters;\nand finally, the Water Seekers of the Vayusid, mostly concerned with herding and historically looked down upon by the rest of the tribes due to their more peaceful nature.\n\nThe Four Tribes are ever bickering, constantly fighting among themselves and only truly united when put under outside pressure. They are always competing for victories and loot, independently leading their armies wherever they wish to and clashing on the battlefield. Despite their disunity, the Four Tribes of the Sarihaddu are a force to be reckoned with, as every Sarihaddi knows how to properly fight and rally their full strength whenever they need to keep their freedom from foreigners.
+20% Land Force Limit Modifier

The Dust GraveyardDeep within the desert of the Sarihaddu, buried within the sands, lies a most mesmerizing structure: the Dust Graveyard. A large Sarihaddi temple complex built upon a strange Precursor structure, the Dust Graveyard had a very nebulous history before the Ruin and its use to the Precursors is unclear. What is clear, however, is the cultural significance it holds for the Sarihaddi, who consider it the home of their ancestors and the true birthplace of their civilization.\n\nThe Precursor structure upon which the Dust Graveyard is built resembles a large, encompassing stone amphitheater with steep stairs progressively getting more and more abrupt, before reaching a flat surface inexplicably protected from the sands, roughly 20 meters below ground. Each stair is built out of hundreds of small compartments filled with Precursor relics, meticulously numbered and kept in their original state by the Kirenur.\n\nAround and within the Precursor amphitheater are buried the thousand Sarihaddi God-Heroes, organized by order of greatness based on their distance from the center of the Dust Graveyard, and richly decorated with Precursor relics from the site.
-15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

Ultarlanbeg's AcolytesThe Sarihaddi, with their home on the edge of Taychendi civilization, have always interacted extensively with the Chendhyans, and the two people have over the years found many similarities within their culture: nomadic lifestyles, raider cultures and a hatred for slavery. Although fights between Sarihaddi and Chendhyan tribes in the Guaraddhi are still common, Chendhyan culture has slowly seeped into that of the Sarihaddi, including linguistic influence and notions of liberty, with the Settaerut tribe even converting to the Chendhyan Askaeorg faith.\n\nWhen in 897 the Chendhyan chief Ultarlanbeg – known to the Taychend as Ultarlan the Decimator – united his people and started marching towards Taychend, the Four Tribes of the Sarihaddu willingly joined the horde, united as their own subdivision under the Askaeorg Settaerut. During Ultarlanbeg’s conquests of Taychend, many Sarihaddi leaders served as highly ranked lieutenants within the armies of the Saerraeg Asezhudar, offering crucial knowledge on Taychendi practices and terrain that the Chendhyans lacked. After the collapse of the empire, the Sarihaddi kept positions of power within the Ezhudars, regional successor kingdoms, with the Ezhudar of Goraetas based in Sthanan ith Vussam even being ruled by a Settaerut king for a time.
+1 Land Leader Shock

Varamaezh the WindwakerOut of all the God-Heroes of the Sarihaddi, the greatest is without a doubt Varamaezh the Windwaker, whose marble tomb at the very center of the Dust Graveyard rises high atop the sands, battered by sandstorms and thunder. \n\nHailing from the Veaddi tribe, Varamaezh united his people in the face of the conquests of Gophira. With their highly-professional Ironblood Army, the Gophirans were in the process of uniting Taychend, and started turning their gaze towards finally pacifying the Sarihaddu, launching a massive invasion of the desert in 1204. As much as it was powerful against the common Taychendi city-state, the Ironblood Army wasn’t made to wage a war of attrition in the harsh conditions of the desert, and Varamaezh wouldn’t let that edge go unused. Familiar with the desert weather – and perhaps able to manipulate it - Varamaezh used the devastating sandstorms of the Sarihaddu to his advantage, delivering swift but annihilating blows against the Gophiran forces. \n\nEventually, the losses became too many to bear, and Gophira was forced to accept a favorable treaty for the Sarihaddi, giving them considerable autonomy under the Second Gophiran Empire.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

The Thousand RaidsThe Sarihaddi are familiar with the Great Cycle of Taychend, although in a manner unlike the classic widespread revolts that occur on a charismatic warlord’s death. Though the Four Tribes of the Sarihaddu fight amongst themselves most of the time, from small skirmishes to full on wars, these periods of disunity are occasionally interrupted by the rise of a powerful chief uniting the Four Tribes into a singular entity.\n\nThe newly-crowned king of the Sarihaddu will subsequently lead his host on devastating raiding campaigns into the surrounding Yodhanpir, Larankarha and Thekvrystana lands, even sometimes targeting the Chendyans of the Guaraddhi.\n\nOver the centuries, innumerable kings of the Sarihaddu have risen and fallen, now buried beneath the wastes of the Dust Graveyard and venerated as God-Heroes of the Sarihaddi people. There are easily hundreds of such God-Heroes, each individually revered by the Sarihaddi in their complex rituals at the Dust Graveyard.
+50% Looting Speed

Shattered Chains of HaenbuddarFollowing the conquests of Laskaris, Taychend quickly became embroiled in the Ameioni-Larankara Wars, the Four Tribes subjugated by the Ameioni invaders alongside the rest of the central desert. During that time, the Brotherhood of the Bloody Cloak from Rakkabuttai, renowned for their hatred of Chendhyans and their role in the slave trade, were appointed wardens of the western frontier.\n\nThe Four Tribes chafed under this arrangement, becoming some of the most rebellious subjects of Ameion. When in 1612 the Kamrayakval’s War, a massive peasant revolt driven by the Oren Nayiru faith, embroiled all of Taychend, the Sarihaddi took the opportunity to overthrow the imposed order in the Guaraddhi. Led by Daraxam Settaerut and with help from the pirates of Assakadail-Caergaraen, the Sarihaddi rode against a weakened Rakkabuttai, razing many centers of the slave trade in their wake, along with the Ameioni Fortress-City of Inryáki. In their place they founded Kirchaend, the last Sarihaddi state to expand outside of the desert.\n\nAlthough Ameion would eventually retake the Guaraddhi after the end of the Kamrayakval’s War in 1630, the short-lived Kirchaend managed to greatly disrupt the slave trade in the Guaraddhi, cementing Ameion’s turn away from slavery and severely weakening their rival Rakkabuttai.
-2 National Unrest

Where the Desert BloomsAfter the fall of Kirchaend, the Empire of Ameion tightened their grasp on the Four Tribes of the Sarihaddu. In punishment for their revolt, the Ameion started to forcefully conduct archeological digs within the Dust Graveyard, despite the Kirenur’s unconditional ban on the access of any foreigners to the holy site.\n\nOver the years, Ameioni archeologists unearthed thousands of Precursor relics from the Dust Graveyard, for the most part simply not functional at all. However, they did find powerful relics on rare occasions, such as in 1673, when Ameioni diggers found an unassuming sandstone pearl called the Dust Tear. Although the Dust Tear dissolved on contact, it quickly became clear that it had greater effects on the desert than first thought.\n\nBy unknown means, the Dust Tear massively altered the local climate: rains became more frequent, the very sand started to solidify, taking on properties akin to soil, and plants started to push back the desert. The Sarihaddi quickly adapted to their new environment and started to turn away from their raiding lifestyle, the once-ridiculed pastoral Vayusid becoming by far the strongest tribe and starting to properly kheionize. The climate would begin to return to normal after nearly a century, but not before completely changing local politics.
-10% Development Cost in Primary Culture

+10% Production Efficiency


