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Latest revision as of 03:33, 27 April 2024


Primary Culture

+10% National Tax Modifier
-1% Prestige Decay

The FateweaverIn a great chamber deep beneath Korrimutren can be found the corpse of Kanelethiel the Fateweaver, a Precursor Slaver-Noble whose soul has been entrapped in a strange, gigantic relic. Although her story is shrouded in mystery, its end result is clear: should someone with sufficient divination ability touch the corpse of the Fateweaver that lies beneath the relic, they will be able to commune with her and receive the power of prophecy.\n\nThe Taychendi consider the Fateweaver a god hero and the hero-cults worshiping her are widespread in southern Taychend. The most important of these cults, the Followers of the Threadbearer, is based in Korrimutren itself and is composed mostly of diviners and oracles. The leader of this cult, the Threadbearer, is allowed to commune with the Fateweaver to gain visions and deliver prophecies.\n\nThreadbearers are chosen for their own exceptional divination ability, required for handling the immense magics of the Fateweaver – should a lay person touch the Fateweaver’s corpse, it will likely have explosive results. The Threadbearer is by far the most important oracle in Taychend, and Korrimutren is an important pilgrimage center which attracts people from all corners of the region desiring to receive prophecies.
+1 Missionaries

Darakash the Threadsworn“Venturing into the lands of the setting sun, you will spawn an empire greater than those of Ebenanth and Yodhan.”\n\nSo did the Threadbearer speak, and so did Darakash listen. A pious follower of fate, a renowned philosopher and a brilliant general, Darakash distinguished himself during the war against the Relic-Lord Kadradar the Stormbringer, garnering fame across southern Taychend.\n\nTired of the pride and ambition of Taychend and given faith in his vision by the prophecy, Darakash rallied an immense host composed of veterans from the Stormbringer’s War and their families and launched a great expedition into the Chendhya in 869. After an arduous journey, the expedition reached the borders of the Nekheis of Empkheios in 873 and settled in the great open plains of the Devand, founding the philosopher kingdom of Vadhipakvam.\n\nMeanwhile, the Chendhyans grew resentful of the Taychendi due the trail of death the expedition had left behind. Using their newly kindled hate of the Taychendi, the Chendhyan chief Ultarlanbeg would push for the tribes’ unification, forming the Saerraeg Asaedzudar in 897. The first targets of the Chendhyans were Vadhipakvam and Empkheios, and the short-lived Taychendi kingdom was completely destroyed by the new king of the Chendhyans, although not before leaving its mark on history.
+10% Morale of Armies

Shards of ClairvoyanceWithin Korrimutren, a strong tradition of glassblowing endures. The city’s glassblowing workshops are always active, taking great pride in the quality of their product. Orders arriving from all around Taychend form a large part of Korrimutren’s economic activity, although with Ameion’s invasion their grip on the glass trade has been challenged in recent years by the Kaydhano glass coming from the west.\n\nDespite this, the signature glass of Korrimutreni glassblowers, called the Shards of Clairvoyance, are still prized for more mystical reasons. In addition to being noted for their impressive clarity, the Shards of Clairvoyance are known for their use in prophetic rituals and other esoteric practices. Said to be imbued with the power of the Fateweaver, the Shards of Clairvoyance are used by oracles throughout Taychend in various ways to help discern their followers’ future, from Thekvrystana diviners fashioning the glass into intricate lenses, to Kalavendhi oracles reading the pattern of glass fractures, to Yodhanpir mages putting the blood of the counsel-seeker in small glass spheres to ingest.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

The Giants' ValeThe Gopatri river cuts through the steep, forested hills that make up most of Korrimutren’s core territory, the city itself being built on the eastern side of the resulting valley. With grand fortifications dotting Korrimutren’s rugged surroundings and its southern side opening to the sea, the city has long been famed as unconquerable; were an army to siege the fortresses of Korrimutren, the city would continue to be resupplied via its trade networks in the southern sea or the various hidden tunnels that wind their way through the hills of the Giants’ Vale itself, built long ago as part of the Precursor ruin that houses the Fateweaver.\n\nThe Taychendi have always been intrigued by the formation of these hills, which famously have odd looking cliff tops with strange cloud-like shapes, as if they were shaped from stone. Local myths touch upon the terrain’s peculiarity: the Korrimutreni believe that at one point giants from across the sea came to this land, forming prestigious kingdoms and erecting great monolithic stone structures. They posit that Korrimutren’s hills are actually titanic burial mounds built by these bygone people to revere their dead, naming the valley the Giants’ Vale out of respect for the area’s ancient inhabitants.
+15% Fort Defence

Pelojith's SacrificeIn the early 1400s, the chief Zaernsarlan the Ravager centralized the tribes of Zaernmaera and destroyed the slaver-city of Kannagarendi. Leading his Chendhyan army into the Giants’ Vale, the western parts of Korrimutren were easily overrun by Zaernsarlan, but the fearsome fortifications around the city itself forced him to stop in his tracks. After four long years of siege, supplies finally began to run out. With the situation looking more and more dire, Pelojith, the ruler of Korrimutren, sought advice from the Threadbearer. The response was simple – “Only the death of a king will win you victory.”\n\nWith this prophecy in his hands, Pelojith gathered the remaining defenders of the city and sallied out – though he hoped he may be able to seek out Zaernsarlan and kill him, this was soon proven impossible. Thus, Pelojith charged straight at the enemy, sacrificing his life to the gods, and to fate. Seeing this, his son Teshapin was overcome with grief and rage, and, rallying the remainder of the army, miraculously drove off the Chendhyans, aided by the sudden arrival of a sea storm. That day, Zaernsarlan tasted his greatest defeat, and though he would wrest back control of his realm, it no longer posed the threat to Taychend it could have done were it not for Pelojith’s Sacrifice.
+10% National Garrison Growth
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

The First FollowersIn 1422, an unremarkable Kheionai traveler going by the name of Laskaris arrived in Korrimutren. Curious about local traditions and his future, he asked for an audience with the Threadbearer. The prophecy he was given would shake Taychendi history forever.\n\nIn 1434, the Kheionai city-state of Ameion answered the call for aid by the rebelling city-state of Anakalnakori – warding the Vyechei off, the Ameioni would betray the Anakalni, seizing the city. After the subjugation of Anakalnakori, the nearby city-states of Gophira, Tirsin and Sthanan ith Vussam came together in a coalition, but were decisively defeated at the First Battle of Bukénthia, where the Gophiran king Dhalikar III was killed in single combat. The ruler who led the assault? The same Laskaris, now known as ‘the Conqueror’.\n\nIn truth, Laskaris had learned of the moment of his death from the Threadbearer, effectively rendering him immortal until that date came. After rising through the ranks of the Ameioni army, Laskaris took control of the city-state and led his people to conquer Taychend, bolstered by the prophecy. In face of Laskaris’ might, Korrimutren willingly bent the knee to Ameion, influenced by their deep respect of the Threadbearer and their weakness after the Zaernmaerae invasion.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Cradle of CivilizationKorrimutren was not only the first Taychendi city-state to kneel before Ameion; it would become the first to adopt Kheionism, enforce the Kheionai language on its population, and coin the term Klereyen, describing Taychendi who were kheionized during Ameion’s rule.\n\nDespite sharing many similarities with their fellow Klereyen, the Korrimutreni look upon other Taychendi with a distinct air of superiority. As the place where Klereyen culture truly began and started to spread throughout Taychend, the local Klereyen like to call Korrimutren the “Cradle of Civilization”. They consider non-kheionized Taychendi barbarians at best and other Klereyen their uncultivated cousins who have forgotten about the importance of fate and prophecies, neglect how they shaped Ameion into a magnificent empire and disrespect Laskaris’ legacy by doing so.
-20% Culture Conversion Cost

+2% Missionary Strength


