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|primary_culture=Hill Troll
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|religion=Un Khudai
|religion=Un Khudai
|idea_group=Hill Troll Ideas

Latest revision as of 00:14, 15 June 2024

Samisalik Bolki

Primary Culture

+25% National Supply Limit Modifier
-15% Land Attrition

A Proper King?In the time before the Oinukhudi and their Cheqh’an, the king was seen as the living symbol of our people’s unity. He was empowered to resolve disputes between trolls and to speak on all of our behalf in deals with outsiders, most notably to deliver our surrender to the Cheqh’an all those years ago. During our service to the Cheqh’an, he bestowed the king with many new powers, including the creation of laws, the collection of taxes and the usage of land. Now that the Oinukhudi rule us no more, a question has arisen among us – should the king keep the powers granted to him by the outsiders, or should he return to his original role?
+15% Reform Progress Growth

Bound to FleshMany of our neighbors practice the arts of binding spirits into objects, but we take the art one step further by binding them into our very bodies. By infusing ourselves with the essence of the spirits, we can gain their strength in war and their wisdom in councils. The spirits in turn gain the power of the troll’s bodies and the ability to interact more closely with the physical world. Trolls and spirits can spend their entire lives together as companions, and it is not uncommon for spirit bonds to be inherited from parent to child, with the spirit becoming a permanent member of the family. Most famously, the bond of the Royal Spirit is passed on from each king to the next as the ultimate proof of their succession.
-5% Idea Cost
+5% Infantry Combat Ability

Far-stride TravelsWe Hill Trolls are mostly an insular lot, content with living along Lake Kokesal and honoring the spirits and giants – with one exception. When each troll reaches adulthood, he must partake in a journey beyond the Lake to learn of the world and peoples beyond our home. Originally instituted to increase our standing in the Cheqh’anate, these Farstride Travels quickly became greater in scope than their original purpose, and survived beyond the Cheqh’anate’s collapse. Today, Farstriders travel to all corners of Gozengun.
+1 Diplomats

Memory in SculptureThe Hill Giants may be gone, but our memories of them still survive. All over Lake Kokesal, our people have erected sculptures in their likeness, to tell of their history and glory. Once the Farstride Travels were introduced, it became customary for the Farstriders to erect similar sculptures in the lands that they traveled. The Hill Giants’ likenesses can now be found all over Gozengun. In the lands of the outsiders, they can teach the Hill Giants’ splendor to the peoples who never saw them, and in the deep wilderness they can tell a lonely Farstrider that a troll has been there before.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Recreate the Honor GuardThe Cheqh’an saw fit to pick from our people a group of exceptionally trained fighters and give them the task of protecting his very life. While this force stayed with the Cheqh’an when we broke off from the Oinukhudi, our own king has since been interested in the concept, to the dismay of many traditionalists. Since a troll’s outstanding regeneration makes them less susceptible to sudden assassination than human ruler, this new Honor Guard functions in many ways less like bodyguards and more like a personal fighting force answering directly to the king. It is said that they are at times given the honor to bind the king’s Royal Spirit into themselves during their missions.
+5% Discipline

The Royal BoatsWith the expansion of the king’s authority as a vassal of the Cheqh’an, a series of large Royal Boats were constructed. The purpose of these boats was to travel along Lake Kokesal, in order to enforce the king’s new laws and collect his new taxes. However, the Royal Boats soon evolved beyond being mere tools of enforcement, distributing goods and supplies to those in need and giving quick and safe travel to those with important business to do. This way, the Royal Boats not only made the king’s authority easier to enforce, but also made more trolls consider said authority as something beneficial to them.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

The Lake of the FreeWhile the king had many supporters for his increased authority, there were also those who strongly dissented to it. “The Lake of the Free”, a song written about the wondrous days of Hill Troll society before the oppression of the Oinukhudi, quickly became a rallying song for the reactionaries during the early conflicts over royal authority. As the conflict simmered down, the song gradually fell out of use among the Hill Trolls. Surprisingly though, this was not the end for “The Lake of the Free”. Thanks to the Farstriders, the song had managed to take root in lands outside of Samisalik Bolki, where it was preserved in libraries and even gained attention as far as Cannor during the Age of Romanticism.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition


