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|primary_culture=Ashhama Lizardfolk
|primary_culture=Ashhana Lizardfolk
|idea_group=Tzusik Ideas
|idea_group=Tzusik Ideas

Latest revision as of 00:03, 15 June 2024


Primary Culture

+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition
+10% Prestige from Land battles

The Forge-TowersDuring the Shadowfang Invasion, Tsuzik fed the Ashhana. In the city center, tin and copper from the Ninunith Mines were forged into bronze tools and weapons of war. For this purpose, the early residents of Tsuz converted the town center into a large forge complex. The so-called 'Forge-Tower' was a looming construct. Each floor of the tower served a different purpose, at the top ore was melted into streams that flowed down. The second floor combined these streams into a flowing bronze river. The final floor was dedicated to smithing. The complex was able to out-produce the surrounding villages many times over. Even as Tsuzik was eclipsed by the northern iron mines and the town fell into poverty, more Towers were erected. By the 15th century, most of the city lay in decaying disarray. However, the center of the city was still lit by the central Forge-Tower, staffed by the residents who remained.
+15% Production Efficiency

The ZamathanssinThe First Zamathanssin was held in 1321 at the behest of the dying Tata Karquot. Smiths from across Tsuz gathered at the forges, and under the command of the King, they were lit for two weeks. As the forges cooled, the king declared that their creations would be tested in a tournament. The tournament would last until all but one weapon lay broken. At the end of the tournament, the fledgling smith Mazura was the only smith whose weapon withstood the onslaught, and so he was named Karquot's Heir.
-10% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

Ashhana Peoples, Anzalkatsan WisdomTsuz stands on the border between Ashhana and the Naga-Worshiping Arraskay. During a border skirmish, a scroll was recovered detailing the Anzalkatsa standards by which a noble could be deposed. Upon reading the text, the reigning Tata Tortaz I was saddened to see reflections of his court and advisors. To combat the decay of his government, Tortaz transformed his tribe, cementing its future. The Tsuz reconstruction would inspire later Tsuzic Tatas to continue recovering texts and learning from them.
+10% Reform Progress Growth

The Peace at YosasadaIn the year 1490, two Ashhana Tribes went to war. The conflict was marred by espionage at every level, and so when peace talks came, neither tribe trusted the other to negotiate and most other Ashamma had already aligned themselves with one faction or the other. At the time, Tsuz was holding the 31st Zamathanssin, and so did not involve itself with foreign conflicts. At the request of both sides, Tsuz sent a delegation of bards to negotiate peace terms. Following this conflict, Tsuz would declare itself a neutral tribe, asserting its role as the peacekeeper of the Ashhana.
+10% Improve Relations

MetalcraftingSince the first song, Ashhana Art has steadily expanded in scope, encompassing dance, song, masonry, and more. As Tsuzik smithing grew in quality, smiths began to see their creations as more than tools. Indeed, they saw creations as the highest form of art, a unification of the brutal history of their people and the soft expression of emotion. As the technique of Tsuzik Smithing was refined, the nature of smithing was redefined. The new art of Metalcrafting led to an explosion of unique innovations. Many common farming implements were transformed, given dual functionality, or made as light as feathers.
-10% Idea Cost

Melt-Smithing"The Technique of melt-smithing originated in the small forge communities surrounding Tsuzik. As the communities lacked the experience of the city smiths, they made up for it in efficiency. The smiths carved a hollow shell from heat-resistant wood, and poured molten bronze into the shell. With this method, the smiths could mass-produce cruder tools. While the city smiths continued to balk at it as an inferior practice, melt-smithing soon became the main medium by which a soldier's weapon was made. It became integral to the Tsuzic military, as it allowed them to supply many more soldiers than their otherwise modest production capacity could allow." - Except from "On the Sarhaly Metal Craft" by Ogrin Fourthbeard.
+15% Land Force Limit Modifier

Lazanic Shellplate"Day 45. Since entering Zerat, progress has slowed. The jungle has thickened and disease is more prevalent. In good news, it appears the rumors of these bronze-scaled lizards are true. We encountered a band of them along the bank of the Khazyna River. They are more brutish than the Lizardfolk previously encountered, and very obviously not Kobolds as we had hoped; instead they say they had coated their scales in metal. They claim this armor can resist even our mightiest weaponry, even inviting us to test it. One of the more hotheaded of us agreed to it. Indeed, our muskets left only scratches. The Lizardfolk were cordial, far divorced from the rumors in Zatsuti, and offered to take us to their city." - Excerpt from the travel log of Dorston Talespinner.
-10% Fire Damage Received

+10% Innovativeness Gain


