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|primary_culture=Ashhama Lizardfolk
|primary_culture=Ashhana Lizardfolk
|idea_group=Kakhazajar Ideas
|idea_group=Kakhazajar Ideas

Latest revision as of 00:03, 15 June 2024


Primary Culture

+15% Fort Defence
+2 Tolerance of Heretics

Endorsed by the NagaWhen news of our people's newfound freedom from the Blood Curse spread to the naga of Zerat, they recognized it as a tipping point in the fight against the Shadowswamp. Our tribe being directly at the border of that accursed place, a delegation of naga departed from Zerat to serve among us. They proclaimed us Khagagaya, "the guard against the shadow", and declared our chief as true a monarch as any Anzalkatsa royal. Their descendants still serve our cause, urging rulers all throughout Taneyas to aid us in our fight against Yezel Mora.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Guardians at the Edge of the WorldLake Adgur is the most isolated of the great northern lakes, connected to Lake Rakshas only through tall mountains and thick jungles. This has historically allowed us to ignore the power politics of the mighty lizardfolk states, and instead focus our armies and fortifications on the northern border and our duty as the Khagagaya.
-15% Fort Maintenance

The Veins of AdamantBefore it fell to the blood-crazed hordes of our ancestors, Adgur was the premier adamant mining city of Taneyas. With our minds cleared, we can restore operations and forge armor more durable than any other lizardfolk.
-10% Fire Damage Received

The Cleansing of Lake AdgurThe evil of Yezel Mora doesn't just manifest itself through trolls and monsters, but also in more subtle ways. The waters of Lake Adgur come from mountains directly bordering the swamp, and sometimes rainclouds directly passing over it carry traces of its shadowy taint. Given time, these traces of Yezel Mora would poison both the river and the lake from which it flows, but luckily the same magical arts that cleanse our minds can also be used to cleanse the water. Our yearly festivals around the lake not only help our people stave off the Blood Curse and gain respite from the harsh work of protecting lizardkind, but also ensure that we never have to worry about the quality of our water!
+25% National Supply Limit Modifier

Restoration of CharachThe southern half of Lake Adgur used to be controlled by the neighbouring tribe of Charach, ruling from the river that flows from Lake Adgur to the sea. Realizing the economical and logistical advantages that would come from controlling the entire lake, our chief decided that this tribe should be subjugated under his rule, but gave the orders to leave its people and buildings as intact as possible. Unfortunately, when our soldiers seized Charach, some of them lit a fire that ended up burning down their capital village. Incensed at this wanton destruction and defiance of his orders, the chief punished the careless soldiers with the task not just of rebuilding the village, but expanding it into something greater. In time, Charach would grow into our biggest town besides Adgur itself, an entrepot binding our chiefdom on the lake to the many tribes and cities along the river to the south.
-10% Construction Cost

Strike at the HeartFor many years we've kept watch against the Shadowswamp, but the stream of monsters and evil is never ceasing, and with other states growing in size and power we can no longer be certain that our military can always be as devoted to the northern border as we'd wish. A growing sentiment has risen that instead of just holding out in our garrisons, we should take the fight to the swamp itself, directing our cleansing arts towards the very source of the corruption. By ending the evil at its source, we would finally be able to complete our duty and secure Taneyas' safety forever.
+2% Missionary Strength vs Heathens

Khagagaya DrivesOnce the decision to send out expeditions into Yezel Mora was taken, the question arose as to how to fund them. As the king sent out his collectors, they were prepared to quell any resistance to the new taxes. What they didn't expect was the enthusiasm with which their people would give to the cause of defending Taneyas, even donating beyond what the collectors demanded. Farmers gave of their harvest, workers gave of their wages, and merchants gave of their profits. Conquered tribespeople or native Kakhazajaras, Anzalkatsa or Zaradyrra, Poisoned or Unblemished, none of these divisions mattered. They were Khagagaya, the defenders of lizardkind, and in this cause they stood all united.
+10% National Tax Modifier
-0.02 Monthly War Exhaustion

-5 Years of Separatism


