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Latest revision as of 00:00, 15 June 2024

Vels Bacar

Primary Culture

-10% Shock Damage Received
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

Gateway to SardaThe Great Dam of Vels Bacar is in a crucial position, with Arverynn and Dolindha upstream, and the rest of Sarda downstream. Not only it collects the tolls of countless lords seeking passage for their barges, it is an almost obligatory stop for merchants and pilgrims looking to travel between regions, as they can walk across our dam to get to the other side of the Ynn River. The other options are to cross the Ynn on their own or travel through the Wendigo-infested woods east of Thromshana, both very perilous.
+10% Provincial Trade Power Modifier

The Benevolence TaxJust because we are nobles, it does not mean we do not care about the peasantry. The money that Vels Bacar extracts through crossing tolls is called "Benevolence Tax", as the lords of Vels Bacar have made it a tradition to spend part of it to host fairs, public jousts or theatrical performances, all events that the peasantry can attend.
-2 National Unrest

School of the RiverbladesWhile Sarda are most known for their archery, we at Vels Bacar maintain a proud, long-standing tradition of fighters wielding glaives and curved longswords, spinning and swinging in movements that emulate the fluid strength of the River. Founded in 404 after the War of the Trees highlighted the critical need for military specialization, the Scol Mecynn - School of the Riverblades - has survived the arrival of the Dolindhans, the proclamation of the Empire and the rise of knights, and all the ensuing evolutions of warfare.\n\nWhile it trains the elite soldiers of Bacaran armies, graduates of the School find employment across the Ynn as bodyguards, fencing instructors or even performers: a duel between two Riverblades is a captivating show.
+0.25 Yearly Army Tradition
+25% Prestige from Land battles

Jurion the HonestThe rulers of House yen Bacar descend from one of Lukaus's companions: Jurion the Honest, eldest of the Antler Lords and ruler of Stantirvare in Dolindha. Because of his age and wisdom, he was the only one allowed to criticize Lukaus and speak his mind freely. But just because of this he wasn't disloyal: when he was offered immortality by a witch, Jurion refused, informed Lukaus, and rode to destroy the witch and her coven. His son Jansred was an excellent rider and in 143 he ambushed the Malacnari in the woods of Grebniesth, halting their resurgence and avenging the line of Lukaus which the Malacnari had extinguished.\n\nStantirvare was the first contact point between Sarda and Dolindhan civilizations, and while it would ultimately wane in importance and shrink into a village, it was Talanis, the third-born son of the Lord of Stantirvare, who went south and founded House yen Bacar, a patrician family of Vels Bacar that eventually rose to become its protectors and rulers.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Filenval's VoyageThe Filenval Brothers were two Sarda explorers who in 210 after Flood succeeded at boating across the Ynn for miles. Departing the old homeland near the western mountains, they navigated the Ynn's deadly waters all the way to Stantirvare, the first encounter between Sarda and Dolindhans. Vels Bacar was built in their honour at the middle point of their voyage, and two giant statues bearing their likeness were constructed, one on each side of the Ynn River.\n\nWhen King Jeborad of Vareynn declared war on the Principality of Vels Bacar in 560, he had his soldiers deface the statue of Filenval-on-the-Northern-Side, cutting off his head and having it be replaced by a replica of his own face. After the war was over, Jeborad mockingly told the Bacarans "Find the head, and you can put it back.". Bacaran citizens spent two centuries looking for the missing head, until it was finally found to have floated past Adbrabohvi and the Divine Waterfall, ending in the Nether World where a tribe of Boek had taken to worshipping it. Emperor Calasandor yen Brelar graciously paid for its return, while Jeborad's head was brought to Vareynn. "It was destiny" the Emperor commented "That the head of a great explorer would see the world beyond the Ynn River."\n\nThe statues of Filenval and Filenval stand next to the dam to this day, sending off all the dead who float down the Ynn River.
yes Allows recruitment of explorers & conquistadors
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

The Conquests of King JeboradKing Jeborad of Vareynn ended Vels Bacar's independence, and he did so with shocking speed. He is rightfully considered one of the best commanders of Ynnic history and there is much to be learned from his campaigns:\n\nThe beheading of the statue of Filenval, while a vile gesture, was successful in halting the advance of the Bacaran army as well as its cohesion, as they began arguing on whether to march north across the River to take revenge on Jeborad, or continue their war against Adbrabohvi and Stanyrhrada. And as they argued, the Bacaran allies, the Amstenuri, lost a battle they had to fight on their own and found themselves besieged.\n\nIn the second phase of the war, Bacaran sentries kept watch and made fortifications over the fords of Arverynn while their main force engaged the Stanyrhradans, seeing some successes. It was all for nothing when, in 572, Jeborad took the city of Vels Bacar by the storm using a path nobody had foreseen: a massive pontoon bridge had been built in just seven days from one statue of Filenval to the other, and, with the cover of the mist that in rainier days makes it impossible to see the other side of the Ynn, nobody in Vels Bacar noticed Vareynn's soldiers and riders atop their massive antler horses suddenly charging in before it was too late.\n\nThe lesson our marshals have drawn from all this is thus: "Time is of essence."
-10% Construction Time
+8% Movement Speed

The Bacaran RepublicIn 1602 passed away the last ruler of House yen Bacar, Ultaran the Kind. Having foreseen he would die without a heir, he had worked alongside Brelari patricians and Cannorian statesmen to plan transition his lordship into a republic, reviving traditions from the ancient principality while accounting for modern times. And while the first elections were held successfully to the cheer of the people, this move was deeply unpopular with many Sarda neighbours, who called the new republic an anachronism and a betrayal of Ynnic values in favour of Cannorization. Thus began the War of the Bacaran Succession, where Lord Calrodiy V of Arverynn pressed the claim of a vassal of his to rule Vels Bacar.\n\nThe war soon escalated, involving not only Sarda, but also many frontiermen nations and even the Mayor of Valorpoint and the Gospodh of the Rzentur. In the final stages of the war, kobold snipers were picking off Escanni knights and dwarven cannons mercilessly bombarded the walls of Vels Bacar, as other dwarves on the Bacaran side rebuilt them each day and night. The war lasted for 21 years and saw Vels Bacar besieged five times, ending only after the death of a million people and Vels Bacar's destruction. Afterwards, Vels Bacar stopped existing as a city, and its name was only used to refer to the nearby dam.
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed
+10 Maximum Revolutionary Zeal

+1 Yearly Navy Tradition


