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|religion=Lefthand Path
|religion=Lefthand Path
|idea_group=Khappuri Ideas

Latest revision as of 03:37, 27 April 2024


Primary Culture

+10% National Tax Modifier
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

Gangs of SarisungIn the forty years since the end of the Brothers War, Sarisung has had nearly no central power or government. Instead, it has been run by an anarchy of warlords and gang leaders, who have each attempted to assert control over the former Heart of Haless with their own private armies. With no nearby power strong enough to challenge them, the gangs have waged war on each other for half a century and show no signs of stopping as they leverage their abilities to dominate each other once and for all.
+15% National Manpower Modifier

Alchemical TraditionsThe Nightshades are best known as alchemists and potionmakers, whose skill with medicinal plants and potent unguents has allowed them to provide in-demand products for the market for decades. Their poisons are untraceable, their drugs in high demand, and their constant research and innovation into new and better substances has attracted many skilled (and unethical) minds that have given the organization an incredible competitive edge.
-10% Idea Cost

Lefthand DevotionAmbition, Desire, Power - these are the tenets of the lefthand path, a faith that embraces the darker aspects of mortal nature and spirit worship, that cavorts with powers best left alone in order to increase their mastery of self and others. Feared by many, the lefthand path was the faith of the founders of the Nightshades, who were believed to have been exiled from Xianjie, and it has become the religion of many of its members. The faith is strong among its adherents, and they believe that this philosophy has driven them towards greatness throughout the years.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Regional TiesThough they are based in Sarisung’s districts, the gangs of the city have influence that extends into the underworld of many countries and metropolises throughout Haless. From common ruffians to shady nobles and prominent government officials, many are in the pocket of the gangs and help facilitate their interests across the continent.
+10% Trade Power Abroad

Outcastes and ScumWhile the gangs of Sarisung are far from bastions of justice and goodness, they do have certain aspects which make them attractive for the downtrodden. Functionally meritocratic, any can rise within the gangs, though they do tend to favor villainous knaves and backstabbing criminals. As such, there is never a shortage of ambitious individuals around the gang leadership, willing to work to prove their skill.
+1 Possible Advisors

Defenders of FreedomWhile the gangs are far from promoters of individual liberties and rights among the people they govern and extort, they are fiercely independent when it comes to the idea of foreign rule. If anyone is going to rule Sarisung, it will be one of them, not some Bom princeling or upjumped Prahbij. Though their struggles against each other are fierce, all will fight to defend the city walls when called to hold off an invader. After all, Sarisung is their home, too.
+20% Garrison Size

Unite the CityThe aim of the gangs of Sarisung has long been the same - to unite the City. Though its riches are well diminished, its potential is grand were it to be reforged from its fractured pieces, and all are well aware of this. Though their methods differ, the Heart of Haless is a jewel that is desired by all, and whoever finally succeeds in uniting the city will bask in the glory of a restored Sarisung!
+1 Yearly Prestige

+15% Reinforce Speed


