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|religion=Taychendi Hero Cults
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[[Category:Countries with missions]]

Latest revision as of 03:33, 27 April 2024


Primary Culture

+10% Global Trade Power
+25% Mercenary Manpower

The Steel Scorched CitadelThe Steel-Scorched Citadel was a secondary tribute collection complex for Nanru Nakar, on top of being a hub of Andeiosi steel production. After the Day of Ashen Skies, many Imperial Precursors fled there, taking many relics with them and fortifying the complex, constructing great metal walls and expanding the storage facilities and tunnels beneath it. This was a process that only accelerated with the arrival of Imperial refugees from Nanru Nakar, following the city’s seizure by Ebenanth Starshear, the First Emperor.\n\nWhen Ebenanth finally arrived at the Citadel, those inside believed that they would be safe within its metal walls – only a small group, who truly understood the power of Ebenanth’s relic, decided to flee, taking the secrets of Imperial Martial Arts with them. Those who remained were burned or buried alive as Ebenanth called down the fire of the stars on the citadel, collapsing the steel fortress in on itself and burying the relics under thousands of tons of metal and rock. The excavation of these ruins is Royakottar’s greatest source of power.
+10% Production Efficiency

City of Scrap and SalvageThree hundred years after the Citadel’s destruction, during the apex of the Mudaliar Empire, scavengers rediscovered the site, then an overgrown hill. A makeshift shanty town quickly arose, crowding around the rim of the excavation site. As the true scale of the ruins was discovered, however, the town grew even further, rising to become the second largest city in the Kalavend from the riches of the Citadel ruins.\n\nBe it the Kattyva Compound and its Scrap-Crowned Gate, the Ursibadur’s House of Vice, the Halls of Trade, or the underground Forge-Temple of the Vustarin, the city has long boasted incredible architectural wonders. The Royakottari have become masters of mixing steel and metal with brick and adobe – the walls themselves are a prime example of this, with their thick stone spans plated in metal scrap, either sourced from the mines of the Taychend or salvaged from the Citadel ruins.
-10% Construction Cost

Kadradar the StormbringerOriginally a lowly scavenger excavating the ruins of Royakottar, Kadradar would find an unused relic deep within - the Everstorm Gauntlet. Discovering that it had the power to summon and control storms of all types, he was able to seize control of Royakottar, many believing he would soon become the next Ebenanth, bringing a violent end to the nearly four hundred years of a divided Taychend. However, after a long, brutal series of wars, where millions perished from conflict and famine, a coalition of Taychendi states were able to slay Kadradar and destroy his relic, sacking Royakottar and nearly razing it to the ground.\n\nDespite his eventual defeat, Kadradar’s legacy continues on. While the Everstorm Gauntlet was destroyed, and no relic of comparable power has been found since, its discovery led those within Royakottar to fully understand the potential within the ruins at the heart of their city – the Royakottari, the Vustarin chief among them, have developed an incredible knack for turning every Precursor trinket they find into a weapon of war.
+10% Land Fire Damage

The Four FamiliesWith the city in ruins following both the fall of Kadradar and the Chendhyan invasions, responsibility for the rebuilding efforts naturally fell to the most experienced in this sort of business – the scavengers. With the old unified guild destroyed in the aftermath of Kadradar’s death, the most charismatic and savvy among the profession founded their own guilds, which would eventually branch out and come to dominate every aspect of Royakottar.\n\nConstantly fighting amongst themselves and jockeying for power, the "Four Families" are the Kattyva, who now dominate the scavenging and scrapping field itself, the Vustarin, who are masters of working with and reforging Precursor salvage, the Ursibadur, who own the many houses of vice, pleasure and crime within the city itself, and the Nymkorai, premier caravan masters and expert traders.\n\nAll four of these families have connections all across the lower Kalavend, and their riches bring trade, relics and money into Royakottar – though any ruler of the city will have to contend with their influence.
+10% Caravan Power
+10% Spy Network Construction

The Mercenary KingsRulership was a precarious position in post-rebuilding Royakottar. Having to balance the interests of the different families of the city, many kings of Royakottar ended up on the wrong side of one of them, often with fatal results. When the mercenary Kalazhil "Bronzewing" Rekkatemir was invited to depose the unpopular and "uncooperative" Dhavana, the families believed that he would be weak, and easy to control – fortunately for them, he was not.\n\nSeeing war with Larankar on the horizon, Kalazhil was able to act as a neutral force between the families, uniting Royakottar internally while he forged an alliance with Uesrennu and Katelperai against Erankar the Defiant. Despite Larankar’s eventual victory, Erankar was impressed by Kalazhil’s tenacity, allowing him – and the families – to stay in power instead of being exterminated, so long as they joined him in the fight against Ameion.\n\nThe example set by Kalazhil would be followed by his successors, and the Mercenary Kings of Royakottar would eventually become the main force preventing tensions between the families escalating into outright civil war, the soldiers under their command acting as the city’s only truly neutral military force and as the spine of Royakottar’s field army.
+5% Mercenary Discipline

Heart of Taychendi ArtificeryAs the Citadel ruins were finally cleared of any remaining salvage and relics in the early 1700s, the Nymkorai and Ursibadur were indifferent, having shed their connections to the scavenging industry long ago – the Kattyva and Vustarin, however, were forced to adapt. While the Kattyva used their "Vanguard" soldiers to scour ruins even further afield, the Vustarin shed their scavenging operations entirely, instead buying relics from the Kattyva and the guilds of Nanru Nakar, for use in a new and exciting field – artificery. With Vustarin investment, Royakottar would soon become the beating heart of Taychendi artificery of all kinds, with the family also setting aside large sums for the darker sides of the art.
+25% Innovativeness Gain
-5% Military Technology Cost

Archprovost of AndeiosAt first, the Ravelians were unwelcome in Royakottar, as they were in much of Taychend. However, as the Vustarin began to delve deeper into artificery, they eventually decided to form a "co-operative partnership" with the Ravelian Church, with the head of the family, Calindash Vustarin, converting to the new faith in 1731. Taking the Ravelian church under their protection, the Vustarin family quickly became very influential among the Andeiosi Ravelians, even brokering a deal in 1758 in which, in return for Royakottar becoming the home of the Archprovost of Andeios, the Dhavana himself would convert to the faith.\n\nAs the other three families also saw the potential in controlling the Ravelians, the Archprovost quickly became one of the most corrupted positions within the Church. The Four Families worked to influence their activities, controlling the canonisation of saints – an essential process when there were so many gods to canonise – and "loosening" the Archprovost’s morals, pressuring him into letting the vice and amoral artificery within the city slide. Though Ravelians outside Royakottar generally despise their nominal leader, there is little they can do – the ways of the Taychendi seem to always win out over Cannorian "sensibilities".
+1 Missionaries

+2% Missionary Strength


