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|religion=Taychendi Hero Cults
|religion=Taychendi Hero Cults
|idea_group=Sedregenha Ideas

Latest revision as of 03:33, 27 April 2024


Primary Culture

-10% Morale Damage Received
-25% State Maintenance

Khalla ReghiAmong the clans of the Advakhalla, Sedregenhi is known as Khalla Reghi, the Clan of Copper. In Advakhalla belief, copper is the blood of the earth, flowing through its veins deep beneath its stone skin, and is respected within the trinity of copper, stone and flesh. Copper is the life of the earth, and it is by copper that all Sedregenha live.\n\nThe lands of Sedregenhi are most famous for the rich copper veins running through their portion of the highlands, extensively mined by the locals. Copper forms an integral part of Sedregenha culture and economy, being used in their arts, tools and furniture and traded all around Taychend. Much as the Iron Cities of central Yodhanchend hold a near-total monopoly over Taychendi iron production, Sedregenhi holds a great part of the regional copper trade, although this doesn’t bring them nearly as much wealth as it does the Iron Cities due to their relative isolation from wider Taychendi society.
+10% Production Efficiency

The Seven Grand Copper MinesBefore the Ruin, the lands of Sedregenhi were used as a massive mining complex by the Precursor Empire, which sent thousands of slaves to extract the rich mineral wealth of the area in winding tunnels extending as far as the eye could see. After the Ruin, those slaves rose up against their overlords, helped in their endeavors by Imperial “survivors” from the missing flying city of Tacenie.\n\nAs Advakhalla society stabilized, organizing into the very first clans, the massive mines left behind by the Precursors were quickly repurposed as a base for cities to be built upon, creating the Seven Grand Copper Mines. These cities, scattered around the highlands and constituting the largest Sedregenha population centers, have large underground sections based on the Precursor mines. Here most of Sedregenhi’s mining and artisanry are done, while the surface neighborhoods house most of the cities’ population.
+10% Burghers Loyalty Equilibrium

The Tranquil PeopleThe Sedregenha are often called the Tranquil People by the other Taychendi, a nickname originating from their peaceful lifestyle and dislike of war. Outside of the bustling Grand Copper Mines, most Sedregenha live a simple life as goat herders in the highlands, unconcerned by anything happening outside of their lands.\n\nWithin the local Hero-Cults, war and bellicosity is shunned. The warlord God-Heroes of the lowlands are disregarded and even looked down on with contempt by the Sedregenha, who prefer to keep to the worship of mythical artisans, builders and peacemakers, in addition to local nature spirits that inhabit the very copper they craft.
-2 National Unrest

ArmorgrindersAlthough the Sedregenha hold war in particular distaste, it has not been left untouched by its clutches. From Clematar slave-catching raids, to prideful subjugations by the Kingdoms of Larankar and countless disputes with other minor or major Advakhalla clans, the lands of the Tranquil People have been invaded more than once.\n\nTo counteract their weakness on the battlefield, which stems from a lack of a professional army or even a dedicated warrior class, Sedregenha miners and artisans are trained in martial combat and the craft of Armorgrinders, powerful weapons made to tear through even the strongest of plate and quickly deal fatal blows. Pickaxes, hammers, chisels: everything can be made an Armorgrinder, and when war comes to Sedregenhi, everything is made one, allowing the Sedregenha to remain well-supplied in weapons despite the relative insignificance of the local military industry.
+10% Shock Damage

Abénharon's PeaceThe northern peoples of the Dugui’hi and the Advakhalla never truly got along well, with constant skirmishes and conflicts over land occuring in the highlands south of the Mushroom Forest. In 1024, however, a great host of the northerners came to the gates of Sedregenhi, explaining that they had been cast out of their ancestral homes by the fierce Lai’i, a people whose minds were enslaved by the song of the jungle. \n\nFrom the Dugui’hi host, those who didn’t settle in the city of Airoa Naditari spread around Taychend, putting their mastery of alchemy to good use. The northern lands of Sedregenhi quickly became one of the main hubs for those Dugui’hi communities, if only because of their proximity to the Mushroom Forest.\n\nThis Dugui’hi population was initially mistreated by the Sedregenha due to their perceived alienness, with the northern portions of Sedregenhi being practically left to ruin after the foundation of the Dugui’hi city of Scenkar. At least, that was until Abénharon came to rule Sedregenhi. While not a great fighter, Abénharon was able to mend relations between the Dugui’hi and Advakhalla parts of his realm, even taking a Dugui’hi consort as proof of good faith.
-5% Idea Cost
+1 Max Promoted Cultures

A Mine of MushroomsAfter Abénharon’s Peace was declared, the Dugui’hi city of Scenkar and its hinterlands were once again respected as an integral part of Sedregenhi. Soon enough, with proper funding and integration within larger society, Scenkar started to flourish. In 1459, Airoa Naditari launched its first of many expeditions within the Mushroom Forest destined to claim back the ancestral homelands of the Dugui’hi, eventually founding the kingdom of Pouwhi’i and leaving behind the city of Airoa Naditari. With an influx of Dugui’hi who didn’t wish to settle back into the Mushroom Forest and its rival of Airoa Naditari left in ruins, Scenkar became the greatest Dugui’hi city in Taychend, and was declared an entirely new Grand Copper Mine.\n\nWhile the underground part of the other Grand Copper Mines were used to, quite plainly, mine copper, the Eighth Copper Mine saw the development of large scale fungiculture in its large caves, combining the expertise of the Dugui’hi and Sedregenha. Exotic mushrooms became one of Sedregenhi’s main exports alongside copper, becoming prized from Oremvand to Nanru Nakar for their medical and psychedelic attributes, which matched even the strongest Rayodani Lelivazha Cactus Tea.
+10% Global Trade Power

Bronze DestroyersSedregenhi was an early and eager adopter of artillery from the moment of its introduction to Taychend by the Halcanni. Adapting the Dugui’hi art of mycelium forging to bronze working, which involved applying precise amounts of fungal acid on the metal to strengthen it, the Sedregenha cannon-makers quickly became famous throughout Taychend for the quality of their work. From their inception, their guilds dominated the political landscape of Pedhrend, the Fourth Grand Copper Mine, which was already known for its military smiths adept in the craft of Armorgrinding.\n\nThe most famous production of the Pedhrendi Guilds, the Bronze Destroyers, were not only the largest cannons found in Taychend, capable of launching explosive cannonballs seven meters in diameter, but also some of the most durable, greatly alleviating their maintenance costs.
-10% Artillery Cost

+1 Attrition for Enemies


