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[[Category:Countries with missions]]

Latest revision as of 03:32, 27 April 2024


Primary Culture

+20% Garrison Size
-15% Liberty Desire in Subjects

Development of the City-StateFor as far back as our records go, the city-state (the kheion) has always been at the center of the Kheionai life. Many attempts to unify the region have happened in the past, but the deadly Kaydhano sandstorm would periodically kill those caught in its winds and destroy much infrastructure outside of the cities making effective communication impossible. As such we have learned to best utilize all the space we have available.
-10% Development Cost

Cleaved Sea GalleycraftThe Cleaved Sea has always been important to our people. Its beautiful waters were the only thing other than our cities that would remain untouched by the winds of the Kaydhano and it provides the quickest way to move between settlements. Due to its essential role we have continuously sought to improve the vessels which we use to navigate it.
-10% Galley Cost
+10% Galley Combat Ability

Children of the KheionaiExpansion outside of our walls was a strenuous task and our great cities eventually became overcrowded. Facing this, our predecessors turned to beyond the Cleaved Sea and there founded settlements that would not be touched by the storms. These nékheis - 'New Cities' - have proven extremely successful, and with them we have discovered that there are vast lands filled with riches simply waiting for us to exploit them.
+33% Income from Vassals

Great Works of South AelantirBe it the Grand Library of Lokemeion, the Goliath of Degakheion, the Wondrous Harbour of Ormam, or simply the vast amphitheatres and lifelike statues present in any Kheionai city, it is undeniable by any who have seen our work that we have mastered the art of architecture.
-10% Construction Cost
-1% Prestige Decay

Those who Sailed EastDuring the Eniéd - The First Peace - we were the ones who decided to build a great fleet, we were the ones who decided to explore the seas and we were the ones who found Devand! Since then, our nation, and with it our navy, has declined, but the pride of our sailors remains unscathed. Each and every one knows that they belong to a well-historied navy and they fight like no others in hope to leave their own mark in its books.
+10% Morale of Navies

The Sweet EarthIn a time now no longer remembered, our ancestors were the first to discover how to raise and harvest sugarcane. Since then this has grown to be our largest export, and although other nations have also learned some of our secrets, Oktikheioni sugar remains the sweetest in the known world, imported by the best chefs in Anbenncóst or the Small Country. But the very finest harvests are kept in a hidden vault, to be only consumed when important foreign dignitaries are around.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Secure the KheionaiIn 1651 the cities of the Kheionai put aside their differences and signed the "Edict of Protection", a series of trade laws that defended their lands from the siphoning influence of Cannorian merchants and trade companies.
+10% Domestic Trade Power

+10% Trade Efficiency


