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|idea_group=Nakyran Ideas
|idea_group=Nakyran Ideas
[[Category:Countries with missions]]

Latest revision as of 03:32, 27 April 2024


Primary Culture

-15% Culture Conversion Cost
+5% Discipline

Laskaris the ConquerorFor a long time Ameion was in isolation, focused on building a worthy capital and slowly colonizing its surroundings. In that age, we were nothing more than a peripheral state; forgotten to the world.\n\nThis all changed with the rise of Laskaris, a mighty elf and a brilliant speaker, who learned the time of his demise, effectively giving him immortality before his deathday. Using this, he got himself elected and became the leader of Ameion. He renovated the army and navy, and led them on a path of conquest through Taychend; his ultimate goal being the seizure of the jewel of Taychend, the great city of Nanru Nakar, Nákyra in Kheionai.\n\nHis victories gave us a presence in Taychend, but there is still much to be done. Even now, rebels and warlords conspire against us; threatening to push us back into the sea. But this will never occur, for one day Laskaris’ dream will be realized, and all of Taychend will fall under our dominion.
-15% Province War Score Cost

The Cult of LaskarisLaskaris the conqueror came to Taychend in a great effort to bring the benefits of civilization. His heroic actions saved them from the barbarity and warlordism they were so accustomed to. Since his prophesized passing, a cult grew around the worship of him and his descendants among the Taychendi, who see him and his bloodline as divine. And among those that did not see his bloodline as divine, they certainly venerated the principles Laskaris and his descendants would espouse: populism.\n\nKelindas, a descendant of Laskaris, would rise to power with the support of the Laskarian cult and the common people behind him. He ascended to kingship, proclaiming that the people have elected the bloodline of Laskaris as the rulers of these lands. The great rebellion that followed by those still believing in the philosophized ideal of a republic was crushed, and Kelindas proclaimed a new populist and Monarchist era for the world of the Kheionai.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+20% Religious Unity
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Emulating the PrecursorsThe large archeological program conducted by the Nákyran Empire led to the rediscovery of ancient Precursor building techniques and styles, which the Laskaris dynasty embraced wholeheartedly as the new official building style of the empire. A large building spree would ensue, with every city in every region of the empire having constant construction projects built in the precursor style and old buildings being renovated to emulate them.
-10% Construction Cost

Klereyen in the GovernmentThe Klereyen are the Taychendi that have embraced civizilation and the ways of the Kheionai. Even still, they were not properly integrated into the government of Ameion. This changed with the ascension of Kelindas to kingship, with the Klereyen as his most loyal followers. He rewarded them by putting them in the highest levels of administration and favoring them as such. In every part of the empire of Nákyra, the Klereyen can be found, a policy continued by Kelindas's successors, who saw the Klereyen as their most loyal base of support.
-15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

The KrypharpedanEven after their defeat on the field of battle, many Kheionai still cling to their philosophized ideal of a republic. While many among them are too disheartened to continue resistance, many more refuse to acknowledge, and actively resist the truth: the blood of Laskaris are the rulers of these lands. The lingering resentment and occasional rebellion against the monarchy has led to the need to create a new force designed specifically to combat this ever present threat: The Krypharpedan.\n\nRecruited from amongst the most loyal of Klereyen, they actively hunt the republican resistance. Especially active in the Devand and in the kheions, they are the shield that keeps the royal family, and Nákyra as a whole, safe from both domestic and foreign attack.
+20% Foreign Spy Detection
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

The ÝmytolíThe Ýmytolí are a series of fortifications created to repress the ever present rebels that hide among the various hills of Taychend. Built in strategic positions that not only offer great defensiveness but also easy access to supply lines and reinforcements, the Ýmytolí are always kept in perfect condition.
-15% Fort Maintenance

Deny The CannoriansAt first there were few. A small group of ships, explorers from a faraway continent beyond Aelantir. But this trickle turned into a flood, as all sorts of foreign people of differing colors and sizes crowded our Taychendi ports, seeking to steal the valuable relics of our ancestors.\n\nAt first, they were tolerated. But soon, our local administrators placed restrictions on their movement and influence. Once our agents learned of Cannorian companies supplying Taychendi rebellions against us, the decision was clear. The Cannorians were barred from our ports for good and we sent our fleet to stop the Cannorians from ever reaching Taychendi shores. Unfortunately, the Cannorian greed for ancient elven relics was so great, that smugglers soon appeared to meet their demand…\n\nWe face a constant struggle against the Cannorians, who seek to bring down our empire to satisfy their greed. We will not let their wishes be realized for we are inheritors of the Precursor legacy; and we will not let the foreigners defile it.
+10% Ship Trade Power
+10% Morale of Navies


