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[[Category:Countries with missions]]

Latest revision as of 03:29, 27 April 2024


Primary Culture

+10% Infantry Combat Ability
+10% Morale of Armies

The Portroy AgreementDuring the Era of Black Ice, our ancestors sailed from Old Gerudia south to the bountiful land of Lencenor. Through strength we forced the Lorentish King to recognize all lands north of the Portroy river as rightfully ours, establishing a proud heritage of independence for our people. As proven many times in the past, we will fight to defend ourselves and what is ours from any enemy, be they Gawedi, Lorentish, or otherwise!
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

Between Two GiantsReveria's independence has always been contingent on the willingness of Gawed and Lorent to cooperate with us against the other. Luckily, we have wisely used our position to forge alliances with houses on both sides, so as to discourage either from attacking us directly.
+1 Diplomatic Relations
+10% Improve Relations

Poleaxe MasteryIn days past, the footmen of Reveria were highly skilled axe-men, unrivalled in their ability across the world. However, with the innovations in cavalry techniques in Lorent to our south and in the Empire itself, our axe-men have become somewhat obsolete. This has led us to adopt a new weapon, the poleaxe. Far more effective at dealing with cavalry, this weapon has made it so that our opponents' knights think twice before charging our battle lines.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Reaping the HarvestsWhile not the first to have inhabited this land, we are its current custodians. It might not be the most bountiful, but it has sustained our people for generations. In order to better utilize the land, our government has over the past few decades announced multiple reforms to our administration, specifically regarding crop quotas and land ownerships. These laws have both massively improved the efficiency of our farms, and has also allowed local disputes to be more easily settled.
-5% Development Cost
-1 National Unrest

Gnomish IntelligentsiaThe first locals the Reavers encountered when landing on these coasts were in fact gnomes, who promptly redirected the northern raiders to the most plump and lucrative human villages… for a cut of the spoils, of course. Ever since then, the gnomish peoples have found a safe home in Reveria, forming the backbone of the country's scholarly and innovative circles.
-5% Technology Cost

Axe-Pistols of ReveriaWhile an odd invention, the axe-pistol has become an infamous symbol of our armed forces across Cannor. Standard Equipment for all officers, the axe-pistol allows the best of the Reverian Army to showcase that the blood of old Gerudia and its ancestral huscarl elites still flows, alive and well, in Reveria.
+5% Discipline

Second Age of ReaversWith the rediscovery of Aelantir, and the wealth it has brought, an opportunity has arisen for us. As in days past, we shall punish the decadent and arrogant coastal powers. We shall raid their settlements, sink their fleets, and bleed them dry. Our time has come, The Second Age of Reavers has officially begun!
+15% Privateer Efficiency


