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{{Country Detail
  <div style="width: 350px; float: right; clear: right; font-family: sans-serif; padding-left: 16px;">
    <h1>{{ PAGENAME }}</h1>
|primary_culture=High Lorentish
    <p>[[File:A01 Flag.png|frameless|center]]</p>
|religion=Regent Court
    <b>Culture</b><div style="float: right;">[[ High Lorentish ]]</div>
|idea_group=Lorentish Ideas
    <hr />
    <b>Religion</b><div style="float: right;">[[ Regent Court ]]</div>
    <hr />
[[Category:Countries with missions]]
<br />
<b style="color: green; font-size: 0.9en;">+20%</b> Cavalry Combat Ability
<br />
<b style="color: green; font-size: 0.9en;">+1</b> Diplomatic Relations
        <p>[[File:idea_icon.png|frameless|32x32px]]<big><b class="tooltip">Nobility Bound in Blood<span class="tooltiptext">The lifeblood of our country relies on the nobility, we will protect them and they will protect us.</span></b></big>
<br />
<b style="color: green; font-size: 0.9en;">+100%</b> Vassal Force Limit Contribution
<br />
<b style="color: green; font-size: 0.9en;">-5%</b> Liberty Desire in Subjects
        <p>[[File:idea_icon.png|frameless|32x32px]]<big><b>Ioriellan Renaissance</b></big>
<br />
<b style="color: green; font-size: 0.9en;">+1</b> Yearly Prestige
        <p>[[File:idea_icon.png|frameless|32x32px]]<big><b>Romance & Chivalry</b></big>
<br />
<b style="color: green; font-size: 0.9en;">+1</b> Diplomatic Reputation
        <p>[[File:idea_icon.png|frameless|32x32px]]<big><b>Halfling Free Company</b></big>
<br />
<b style="color: green; font-size: 0.9en;">+10%</b> Infantry Combat Ability
        <p>[[File:idea_icon.png|frameless|32x32px]]<big><b>Iorelist Diplomacy</b></big>
<br />
<b style="color: green; font-size: 0.9en;">+10%</b> Spy Network Construction
<br />
<b style="color: green; font-size: 0.9en;">+10%</b> Improve Relations
        <p>[[File:idea_icon.png|frameless|32x32px]]<big><b>Scions of Elvenkind</b></big>
<br />
<b style="color: green; font-size: 0.9en;">+1</b> Colonists
        <p>[[File:idea_icon.png|frameless|32x32px]]<big><b>Blood of Lorenan</b></big>
<br />
<b style="color: green; font-size: 0.9en;">+10%</b> Morale of Armies
<br />
<b style="color: green; font-size: 0.9en;">+1</b> Attrition for Enemies
            <br />
            <b style="color: green; font-size: 0.9en;">+5%</b> Discipline
  <p><span style="color: grey;">"On my honour, I swear eternal love and allegiance to the Rose, the King, and to the Four Virtues of Lady Ioriel."<br>-Final verse of the Lorentish Knight's Vow</span><br><br><span style="color: darkorange;">Primer</span><br>Lorent has sat as the rightful sovereign of Western Cannor (known as <span style="color: goldenrod;">Lencenor</span>) since long before the arrival of the elves in 1000 AA.<br>It is a country famed for its etiquette, bountiful vineyards and romantic tales of chivalry, but also as one of the §YGreat Powers of Cannor§!, competing with §YGawed§! to the north and the §YEmpire of Anbennar§! to the east for dominion over the continent of §YCannor§!.<br><br>The kingdom owes its inception and name to §YLorenan the Great§!, an ancient human king who famously defeated the invading §YAlenic§! ancestors of its now-rival §YGawed§! during the chaos of the §YDragonwake§! in 470. In much recent history, however, Lorent has become known as a great adopter of elven culture and customs, falling under the guidance of the elf §YIoriel§! in 1022, the wife of then King §YRuben II§!, leading to Lorent becoming the cultural and military superpower it is today.<br><br>The country is divided into two primary cultures: §YHigh Lorentish§! (the half-elven nobility and urban human class who have fully embraced the elven ways) and the §YLow Lorentish§! (the rural backbone of the country who are still predominantly human, though more accepting of the elvenized customs than its other human counterparts elsewhere). In terms of other races, Lorent has long acted as suzerain for the §YRedfoot Halflings§! of the southern §YSmall Country§!, and maintains close relations with its ancient §YRuby Dwarf§! neighbours of §YRubyhold§!. The §YElfrealm§! of the §YRedglades§! also lies under Lorentish control, a woodland sanctuary established by Ioriel herself.<br><br>§ORecent History§!<br>The §YLilac Wars§! (1348-1443) between Lorent and Anbennar has brought the kingdom to its knees. And while Lorent did emerge victorious, destroying the §YHouse of Silmuna§! and preventing them from holding the imperial throne ever again, §YKylian VI§! now finds himself at a fragile peace at home. The war saw Lorent's most powerful vassals, the §YWine Lords§! of §YMadelaire, Eilísin,§! and §YRubenaire§!, side with the Silmuna, and despite the war's end, they have now refused to swear fealty to their rightful overlord, eroding the authority of the Lorentish crown.<br><br>To the east, Lorent has installed its ally, §YLothane, the Grand Duke of Wex§!, on the imperial throne of Anbennar. In the name of unity, Kylian has wed his sister to this new emperor, hoping to use dynastic ties to control the Empire of Anbennar from within, but only time will tell if this is a match meant to last, now that the House of Silmuna, the enemy of their enemy, is no more.<br><br>To the north, the halfling §YSmall Country§! remains calm yet divided between Lorent and its eternal rival, §YGawed§!. Peace never lasts, however, and as Lorent looks to recover from the Lilac Wars, the northern eagle of Gawed begins to look south once again like the days of §YLorenan the Great§!."</p>
<p>Beat up your neighbours.</p>

Latest revision as of 03:29, 27 April 2024


Primary Culture

+20% Cavalry Combat Ability
+1 Diplomatic Relations

Nobility Bound in BloodThe lifeblood of our country relies on the nobility, we will protect them and they will protect us.
-5% Liberty Desire in Subjects
+100% Vassal Force Limit Contribution

Ioriellan RenaissanceIoriel has set the precedence of all courtly manners; we are entering a new age of the civilized world, and Lorent will lead it.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Romance & ChivalryKnights from all over the realm look to us as a shining example of what it is to be a knight, and their noble duties to their liege, their people and their loved ones.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Halfling Free CompanyIt is time we allow our halfling subjects to join our armies in a more official capacity, every regiment will now be supported by halfling irregulars - scouting and ambushing our foes.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Iorielist DiplomacyIoriel ruled the known world through words, not force. Our diplomats will do the same!
+10% Improve Relations
+10% Spy Network Construction

Scions of ElvenkindElven blood courses through the heart of Lorent, and as true inheritors of elvenkind we must go west!
+1 Colonists

Blood of LorenanIn times past our ancestors were beset by not only dragon-fire but the rampaging barbarian hordes of Gawed. Lorenan vanquished those foes and none but those who share his blood will ever call Lorent theirs!
+1 Attrition for Enemies
+10% Morale of Armies

+5% Discipline




Beat up your neighbours and win.