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{ReligiousDescription|religion=dotimism|description=Boek belief teaches that every individual has a bond of kinship with a creature known as totem or dotim. Usually a spirit or animal, dotim poles in the likeness of one's dotim are crafted, sometimes out of stone or wood, sometimes through the repurposing of precursor statues or weapons, and they are gathered together into a building known as 'Dotimveb' with those of the rest of the tribe.\n\nA magically-charged dotim pole is known as Dobondotim and the power of multiple Dobondotim can be combined for rituals capable of affecting the fates of the whole tribe. The largest gathering of dotim poles is in a Precursor ruin known to the natives as Dobondotimveb, located near Boek'taraw.\n\nThis religion is shared by the Teira Ruinborn living in Dalaire, who are the forebears of Noruin Ruinborn.}
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Etchings of the Deep

{ReligiousDescription|religion=etchings_of_the_deep|description=All that is known of the Ice Sleepers' religion (insofar as they can be said to have one) is inferred from the rock drawings they paint, just above the high tide line on rocky cliff faces throughout the Broken Sea. These drawings often show scenes of sea life, though they regularly depict creatures that do not fit the descriptions of any known species. Scenes of hunting or feasting are also common.\n\nThe strangest of these rock paintings seems to appear repeatedly, with very little variation: It is a scene of two huge humanoid creatures fighting, each possessing a halo of 6 stars, and is usually found surrounded by small piles of fish skulls and bones. As the Ice Sleepers do not seem capable of speech, it has never been conclusively determined what this image is meant to depict.}
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{ReligiousDescription|religion=kinbond|description=The Kinbond is the name of the telepathic link shared by the Cursed Ones, and as such is central to their spiritual beliefs.\n\nThe Cursed Ones believe that the Great Creator shaped the world and populated it with the First People, only to realize that they were flawed, and thus decided to cleanse the world in a great frost. While most of the spirits agreed with the Great Creator, one of them, known as the East Spirit, rebelled against him, and selected those most worthy of the First People to be given part of his soul in the form of the Kinbond, so they would understand each other and not fight amongst themselves. The East Spirit then sacrificed himself to the Sun to stop the frost from consuming the world, his ashes falling on the land that would become the Forest of the Cursed Ones.\n\nThe chosen of the East Spirit would go on to form the Kins, each Kin having a shared soul going back to their progenitors from the time of the frost. The members of a Kin venerate their ancestors by reciting their tales and emulating them in their own lives, resulting in each Kin having its own epic retelling their history over the centuries.}
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{ReligiousDescription|religion=raeldaeriach|description=Originally composed of clans of Eordan elves who rejected the Fey teaching of seasonal balance, the ruinborn of the Sarmadfar peninsula have turned away from the worship of the seasons altogether over their centuries of exile in the south. Instead, the Fograc practice a form of celestial divination and astrology called Raeldaeriach, seeking to ascertain the true nature of the world from the movement of the celestial bodies.\n\nDeviations in the normal patterns of the night sky such as comets are taken to be ill omens, while meteors are revered as fragments of the celestial truth that have descended to earth. Individuals are born under a dizzying array of zodiac signs and astrological portents that predict events that will happen in their lives, and many attempt to adhere to their foretold destinies with great zeal.}
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{ReligiousDescription|religion=skincarvers|description=While the very existence of a ‘Silent Watcher’ culture is debated amongst scholars, some Silent Watcher behaviors could represent religious beliefs or superstitions. Namely, the marks of scarification that can be found on many Silent Watcher corpses. The Silent Watchers often use natural pigments to dye their scars in an arcane form of art. This body art, if looked at for too long, can grant confusing and strange visions and cause feelings of disassociation in the observer. Many theories exist about this tradition, with the most popular school of thought suggesting it is a mere feral instinct. But detractors of this simplification of complex behavior cite the visions as proof that an explanation for the tradition could be much deeper. Other theories include: depictions of Precursor castes or societal roles, representations of their god or gods, a set of cultural markers representing ritual or societal achievements, or even recorded visions of future events. However, the exact nature of these behaviors will likely never be understood due to the impossibility of contact with the Silent Watchers.}
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Weeping Mother

{ReligiousDescription|religion=weeping_mother|description=The Weeping Mother is the personification of the Bloodgroves itself, which regularly turns blood-red during the winter months in mourning of the great calamity that occurred in the region.}
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