East sarhal religion

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Beast Memory

{ReligiousDescription|religion=beast_memory|description=Those who follow the memory believe in the kinship of all creatures and that in the ancient past an alliance led by three Heroic Beasts slew the wrathful creator god. They venerate their ancestors and the spirits of the ancient beasts through rituals and a respect for life. Some adherents of the memory gain the power to shapeshift into powerful forms that emulate one of the three Heroic Beasts, a power which they can use to great effect.}
All Beast Memory countries receive:

Genie Cult

{ReligiousDescription|religion=genie_cult|description=Amongst many Sarhali religions, Genies are venerated or feared due to their immense power, and the many myths surrounding their exploits. This can be seen best within the lands of Ardimya, where the wise djinn that the region is named after founded a grandiose kingdom that holds a strong legacy across sub-sahelian lands. The people here worshiped her and genie kind as the highest beings possible, foregoing their own gods.\n\nIn the modern day, few remain to practice the arts of the Genie Cult, due to the mass slaughtering of the Guryadagga by the Qeyikul. Despite nearing extinction, there remain small tribes across the continent who persist in their practices. Most center around Ardimya and worship of her due to the legacy of her kingdom. The Guryadagga do not believe her to be more supreme than other genies though; they hold the belief that Genies aren’t necessarily born equal, but they aren’t necessarily “above” another genie merely because of such.\n\nMuch of the practices found in the Genie Cult can be seen as progenitors to many of the practices of the Habab Zar and Rinta Seekers religions. What differentiates them is their direct belief in deities of higher power, and their use of idolatry and incense to invoke their power in prayer.\n\nMany of the Genie Cult’s practices are said to have originated from the Dim peoples, Ancient Bulwari, and smaller groups that would come to be the ancestors of the peoples living within the Jasiir Jadid and Jasiir Doog.}
All Genie Cult countries receive:

Habab Zar

{ReligiousDescription|religion=habab_zar|description=Habab Zar is the name given to the collection of exorcism magics and spiritual rituals that predate the development of Rinta Seekers. Practicioners of Habab Zar have no single object of veneration, instead worshipping local places of spiritual significance.}
All Habab Zar countries receive:

Rinta Seekers

{ReligiousDescription|religion=rinta_seekers|description=Developed by the philosopher Kabil Hadni, Rinta Seekers preaches that the heavens are ruled by mortal souls who cast out wicked gods that now form the stars of the sky. They believe that heaven can only be entered by achieving enlightenment through contemplating the divine law of the world, and devote their lives to preparing for the contemplative journey to paradise they will undertake in the afterlife.}
All Rinta Seekers countries receive:

Sky Domain

{ReligiousDescription|religion=sky_domain|description=Semayi'gera, or Sky Domain in Common is the dominant faith of the Mengi people. Sole in reverence is the god Amilak, whom the Mengi believe to be lord of the skies and bringer of rain. Shrines and monasteries dedicated to Amilak are found all across Mengi lands, and great temples are raised in the cities that are open to the skies where Rain-priests and Cloud-mages work to guide the rains to the people.\n\nAlongside Amilak, the Mengi also recognize various "God-Kin" who are believed to be the gods of other peoples, and Yrilak - Amilak's dark twin. Where Amilak rules in the lands of the Mengi, the lands of Yezel Mora are Yrilak's domain - once a verdant land, now rented to the hags via a dark bargain made during the Day of Ashen Skies in exchange for vile trinkets and baubles.}
All Sky Domain countries receive: